Monday, December 3, 2012

December 3, 2012

I hope everyone had a great week. The only letter I got were mentioning me coming home. So I am assuming you are all super excited for me to come home you just cant put anything else into words.
This week has been fantastic. Probably one of the best of my mission. We are preparing Lori to be baptized this Saturday. It is so exciting. 6 weeks ago we told our Ward Mission Leader we were going to have a baptism on December 8th at 1 pm. He lookes at us funny cause we didnt have anyone to be baptized. We worked hard, prayed and fasted and have been blessed with Lori to be getting baptized. I feel so blessed to see how my faith has been stregnthened.
We were able to watch the Christmas devotional. A boy came and told us he wanted to get baptized so we will be meeting with him tonight. I am really excited to see this all play out. I hope you are all doing wonderfully. I love you all and .....

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28, 2012

So This last week was amazing. We found a new family we are teaching and the daughter is getting baptized on December 8th. The grandparents soon to follow. We were teaching her the Plan of Salvation and asked her if she knew who Jesus was. She began telling us the story of Snow white. . . Me and my companion were both super hesistant but the spirit kept telling us to invite her to be baptized. The member we were with looked at us like we were crazy. After an long lesson that we thought went over Lori's head we had her say the prayer. Oh My goodness I have never been more humbled on the mission. This little girl said the most heartfelt prayer, she pleaded with God that she might know that his plan was true and that she could see her granny again. The whole room was in tears. It was an amazing witness to me yet again that God knows each of us and if we heed the spirit miracles will happen.
Thanksgiving was great. We had 3 dinners we attended then had desert at a recent converts house. I have never had Alcohol at a Thanksgiving but it was a new experience. The family was so kind to us. Her dad is a Chef and the food was fabulous. We also had dinner at their house last night, best mac & cheese I have ever had!
We ended the night playing games at the church with the Elders. In the morning it was lame cause me and my comp are the only sisters so while the elders were hanging out at eachothers apartments we were home alone. . .But The night ended so well. I truly am so grateful for the amazing friendships and experiences I have had.
I love you all and hope you had an amazing week.
Love Kenzei

Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19, 2012

This week was absolutely amazing. We had some of the highest numbers I have ever had on my mission. The District Leaders and Zone Leaders Called and wanted to know how we did it. Well we worked hard and Prayed!! 

Our Investigator Tom dropped us because his wife may be a mormon hater. ... But its all good cause once she softens up he will be ready. Its always hard to say goodbye to those people you teach and love and they accept it their family just doesnt. But It is the Lords Will and it will all be better one day. 

We are also starting to teach our Recent Converts Family. They were very much against us at the beginning but I think they can see how the gospel is blessing their daughter and they are opening up a bit more. 

I feel so blessed to be able to be out here on a mission serving the lord. This week truly was just a miracle week and I cannot wait for this next week. I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving!! 

Love Sister Macdaddy Rose 

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012

Well this past week was terrific. I cannot believe it is almost thanksgiving. Its always fun to be outside talking with people during the Holliday Season they seem a little more friendly. It is starting to get a bit cold here, there is snow in the Mountains and it looks beautiful. I cant believe its already that time of year. I seriously still feel like its summer and I have only been out a couple of weeks. Crazy how fast time goes. 

Well this week was Bethany's baptism. We have been working with her for a long time and I feel so blessed to be able to see her get baptized. The spirit was super strong and I just absolutely loved being there. It was stressful when the meeting was supposed to start and the Presiding authority and witnesses weren't there. But it all worked out like a charm. This work truly is amazing. 

We also had the opportunity to teach Seminary this week while the teacher was out of town. It was pretty great. The youth is so strong here its amazing. I love being able to work with them . 

This weekend we had an open house at the temple over in Central Point. Our RC Caties dad came. It was good to be able to answer a lot of his questions. The first time we met her parents they were not open to us at all but to see him come to that was HUGE. I am sure her family will be members in the next few years. 

Well thats about it. We have a huge line of missionaries waiting to use computers so this is going to be short but I lvoe you all.

Love Kenzie 

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5, 2012

Dearest Family and Others -
Well this week was a unique week. As some of you know sometimes people tell me things that put me in the wrong place at the wrong time. We got into a situation this past week and lets just say I am glad its over with! We had a really great week though other then that, oh and loosing my wallet. . .. That was scary.
So we met with Tom this week. We tracted into him last week and he is fantastic. I am really excited to see him progress in the gospel. He said once he knows what were teaching is true he will get baptized. So he knows why we are there.
We also have a baptism this Saturday for Bethany. I am so excited to see this finally happen!! Its going to be great. Its amazing to see the spirit work on those so young. God really is no respecter of persons.
Halloween was fun, we got to stay out till 7:30 then were locked in. But we made the best of it. I hope you all had a great halloween. Corgan and Grey look like they had a blast.
Well I love you all. Sorry this is so short I just cant really remember all that has happened. I will attatch pictures though.
Love Kenzie
My Best Friend Lucy Bee. .. . Were gonna hang out after the mission
YOu all know I LOVE cats. . .
And The BEAUTIFUL Leaves.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 30, 2012

First of all so flippin cool. Last night Pres. Young had a mission wide conference call. He told us how in the past 2 weeks the church has recieved 10,000 missionary applications and 5000 of those were sisters. The Mission department has been with P young this last week and they have decided we are increasing our missionaries from 180 to 250 not including senior couples! This means there will be at least one set of missionaries in every ward or branch if not 2 sets. I am so amazed at the miracle this has brought. I am sad that I wont be able to see the full effect of this till we all die, but I am excited to get our area booming for another set of missionaries. This truly is the word going forth to all nations kindreds and tongues!!!! 

So the most exciting news is. . . Transfers are today and I will be going ....... No where!!! I am so stoked I get to end my mission here in Medford. I truly feel like these people are my family and I am excited to be able to stay here and keep working with them. 

So this week started off a little slow because I was getting over my intestinal infection. By Wednesday we were back to work and working hard. We have had a tough week or so because all of our investigators are going on vacations, or there houses flood, or someone dies. Its crazy what happens once you start meeting with the missionaries. Its only for the true in heart I will tell you what. 

So we have been able to find 2 new investigators this week. Its interesting because they are both people I have tracted into before and they told me they weren't interested. Thats one tough thing about being in the same area for 6 months, especially when this ward is the size of a utah stake, so we tract it out about every month so I have knocked these doors a lot. But Its amazing how the spirit guides us. We went to  knock on Temple street (gotta be a sign right?) and we knocked on Toms door. He has turned me away before for various reasons, but the spirit whispered to my heart the things he needed and now we are going back to teach him and his family. Its such a blessing to be able to rely on the spirit to guide us to the elect. We also tracted into Alberta, the Zone Leaders wanted to come tract our area to show there support cause we cant do exchanges with the elders. . . for obvious reasons. So We prayed and went out and we found Alberta, another lady who told me no before but the spirit guided our conversation to the blessings of Relief Society and she is excited for us to come back. 

We had a LA show up at church on Sunday and it was fantastic. I was so excited to see her there, again someone I have been working with since I got here and this was her first time to church. It is great to see how through time people change and accept the gospel. 

Last night we Carved Pumpkins with Bethany. During the carving I just had this urge to invite her to be baptized. We have set multiple dates with her and they have fallen through. So I turned and was like, We all know Bethany wants to get baptized and I would really like to be there for it, I am leaving at the beginning of December. Her mom went strait to the Calendar and picked a Date. I felt bad for pulling the going home card, but It worked and she is getting baptized on Nov. 10th. 

So Funny story, Saturday night the elders called. They are a set that is out in the Booneys so we really only talk to them on Thursdays so it was wierd they were calling. Elder Johnson sounded so sad and said "We have had a really bad day and need to vent, and we know you Sisters can help" So they told us of how an hour before the baptism the girl broke her ankle, and they came home after a crazy day and their apartment had flooded from the upstairs neighbors and had no heat. Elder Johnson said "Sister Rose, I know you have been sick and had really bad days so you understand" I dont think loosing a baptism is close to being sick but hey, we all get our challenges. 

I love you all and will attatch some pictures from this past few weeks. It is beautiful here and I need to get more pictures of Leaves!!!! 

Love Sister Rose 

The District, We dressed like Elders, 
The Pretty Leaves 
A furry (girl Who wears a tail and cat ears) 
Jeremiahs Baptism 
Gogurt Yogurt for people on the go, Now were to busy for applesauce. . . . 
Pumpkins With The Gardners 
Pumpkins with my new Little Brother Kyler 
Elder Davis's Birthday Celebration


Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15, 2012

Well This week was great. We had a few hiccups in the work but have been able to see the Lords hand in things.
Saturday we had a baptism of Jeramiah. He is an 8 year old boy and his parents are semi- active. We have been working to get him ready for baptism and his dad ready to perform the ordinances. It was such a sweet moment to be able to see it all happen.
One of the Missions theme is whenever someone ask us what time it is our response is "Its time to Baptize". So at the baptism there was a little three year old and he ran up to the grandma and looked up very earnestly and said to his grandma "Its TIME TO BAPTIZE" I smiled so big. Its great to see little kids that get it.
I love it here in Medford. I feel like everyone is just family here. I love the members and how supportive they are with they work. I feel so blessed to be serving here. and it is not freezing here so that is a plus. I cannot believe its fall already and people are getting ready for Halloween. The time here just flies by. The leaves are changing colors and its starting to smell like autumn.
Well I forgot my camera cord. . . So pictures will come next week. I love you all and hope you have a fabulous week.
Love Sister Kenzie Rose

Monday, October 8, 2012

October 8, 2012

So this week was interesting. Tuesday we were out tracting and I almost passed out. I felt so weak and shaky so we went and tested my blood sugar at a members. It was high enough but the member said "ya know if your a diabetic it would be that high" I pushed the thought from my mind and went home and ate, then 3 hours later same thing happened. We called a doctor in the stake and he asked some quiestions and was like "oh no.... oh boy...... you need to come in" Dearest Doctor thanks for seeing me but work on your bedside manner. He was pretty concerned I had the Diabetes. I was in bed for 3 days just sleeping, I would wake up and eat and drink then go back to sleep. It STUNK SO BAD!!!! I got a blessing and began to feel better. So the blood test came back negative and the past few days I have been feeling a lot better. My Mission presidents wife prayed it was a really bad case of the flu. I was so relieved when the test came back negative.
We did have some amazing lessons in between the sickyness. We met with Jeanie. We tracted into her my first month in the area and she turned us down. Well a member gave her as a refereal and she let us in. She said she had been praying about what she needed in her life and mormons kept showing up, including us tracting into her. I testified that we pray before we go and I know Heavenly Father Sent us to her. It was a great lesson, and she will soon enter the waters of baptism :)
We are also teaching Donna an amazing referal from another ward. She is great and is going through a lot of trials right now. She watched Conference with the bishops family tomorrow. So she is pretty well taken care of. I just love these people.
The Other night we went to dinner and a dog pee'd on me twice. . . SO gross. Then we went to visit Norma and she told us she cant meet with us anymore cause it upsets her husband too much. So as were walking out her drunk husband kisses my hand. UGH So Gross. We started driving and I just felt so sad. I never thought I could love and care for someones salvation so strongly, But that is how the work goes. We are being blessed for what we are doing.
Love Sister Rose

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1, 2012

Am I allowed to hate Satan, to despise every thing he does to stop this work from Progressing. This past two weeks has been the hardest weeks of my mission.
It started out Tuesday this week when my companion was dieing in bed. Well long story short, She has an ulcer. Dont worry the doctor said I could give her my medicine so she is now on one of my old medications. Thursday was an amazing zone conference, which really humbled me and It got me even lower. Wait it actually started Monday night when One of our baptismal candidates that we have been working with almost 4 months dropped us. Then we went and got in the middle of a drunk fight. . . UGH. Friday our program was supposed to take an hour and it took all day to get things ready for the baptism we were not even sure if it was going to happen pretty much until she got into the font.
I feel so blessed for the trials that happened this week. I have been able to draw closer to the savior and more understand what he would have me do. I love this gospel. I love the strength we can gain from the atonement. It is so amazing the work we can all be a part of.
I LOVE you aLL
Love Kenzie
Caties Baptism
How I really feel
and Caties Family :)

Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24, 2012

Well This week was transfer week so we said goodbye to a lot of the missionaries in this area, but I am staying so thats good. 
I love Medford, The ward here is so supportive and loving. My bishop is from texas and him and his wife are seriously the most amazing people in the ward. Its great to have a bishop who gets it and is so willing to do anything we need. 

We had a miracle happen this last monday. We were playing dodgeball and met Catie, she is now getting baptized Saturday! So Exciting. 

We have some amazing investigators we are working with trying to help them get closer to christ. Pray that they will get it eventually. 

OH I just love being a missionary. Last night we were with an investigator and its in the ghetto.. . . Drunk people and cops. I feel like I am living the reality tv show. when I am there I hear "Bad Boys bad Boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you"

OH MY I just remembered. This week we went through the temple with Linda and Gary! It was so amazing. The spirit was soo great. In the celestial room while we were waiting a ward member Sister Chaney came up and talked with me for a minute. She was saying how she sometimes lets her thoughts wonder while she is in the temple. Boy Was I glad I was not alone. I told her at one time I was looking at the apron and My thoughts went like this "I could make and apron, I should probably have mom sign me up for a sewing class, What if I become a seamstress instead of a nurse. Oh gosh I have to grow up soon and decide what I want to be, ahh I am in the temple!!!" Sister Chaney shared this with the whole RS room on sunday so now the ward knows I have a hard time focusing. So embarrassing. 

It was a wonderful week. We are trying hard to find more people to bring closer to christ. 

Love you all 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 19, 2012

 Well Hello family! I hope all is going well. It has been a fantastic week here in Medford. We have been very blessed in finding new investigators and the ward is so supportive.
We had an amazing district meeting last week where a RM who was overly successfull came and talked to us. It was great to get advice from him and examine our own area and see what we can change. We have set some amazing goals for the ward and the Bishop is so fantastic about supporting us and helping us achieve them.
Its turning into fall here. We wake up and go outside to excersize and its about 50 degrees. By the time we leave to go out to work at 10 am its about 85-90. Its so beautiful here and all the colors are starting to change. I think thats one of the most interesting parts of my mission. I really feel like its still summer of 2011, I feel like its still that time, I am still a new missionary and nothing at home has changed. I remember last year when It started really raining in November I thought multiple times, why is it raining in the summer. I think I have totally lost my sense of time, it just flies too quickly.
Well I love you all, I am grateful for all your prayers.
Love Kenzie

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10, 2012

I hope you are all having a fabulous week. I feel so blessed to get your letters everyweek and hear about all that is going on in your own lives. Its crazy To see how fast life is moving at home and to not be there. But its great to hear about it all.
So Medford is still fantastic. I feel so blessed to be in this ward. This week we get to go to the temple with Linda and Gary. A few months ago when I ran into them at the temple I felt so blessed to see them progressing to do baptisms in the temple. I never would have dreamed to be able to be there when they go through the temple. I got the okay from president this last week while he was down here for a training. I am so excited to be there. The real purpose for missionary work is get people to the temple. and to be able to see this family go is jsut amazing. I cannot express the joy I feel.
So it sounds like home is pretty boring. Mom, I dont like taking the dogs out either. . . . .
So our investigators are great. Buddy and Claudia are slowly moving forward. We just pray they begin to see a need to live righteously. Norma is doing a great! We found her on miracle monday. Tonight we are having a FHE with her and her husband and 4 kids. The gospel will bless their lives so much. She said it all sounds amazing, she is just struggling to know the Book of Mormon is true. Our amazing tracting Miracle Maryann We met with her on friday. It was our second lesson and my companion describes her as a "secret shopper" she is so perfect. She ask the perfect questions and has the most amazing answers. She committed to be baptized, but not to come to church.. . . So were working with her.
I am excited to keep working my butt off. Its amazing how quickly this all flew by. I have 13 weeks left to save all the souls who are ready to be saved!!
Love you all
Love Kenzie

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 3, 2012

This week has been a whirlwind of emotions. we had some very good days and then we have been on exchanges the past few days. I have felt the spirit of the lord so strongly with me its amazing. 

So we have the only pear orchard owned by the church in the ward boundaries. Each member within an hour is asked to donate 12 hours of picking pears. It has been some of the funnest service I have ever done. But Its interesting on fast sunday to hear a lot of testimonies, people crying, about pears. Its a good thing I have grown up a bit or I would have laughed. 

This week we had an amazing lesson with Norma and Brian, they are both getting very close to baptism. I feel so blessed to be here to work with them 

I love you all. 
Love kenzie 

Monday, August 27, 2012

August 27, 2012

I am going to be blunt honest in this email. I have never had a harder week in my life. I didnt understand why either. After the apostle visit we were able to go to the temple and this last Saturday we had an amazing baptism. The whole week I was fighting off feeling totally stressed and like I wasnt doing enough. I was praying for peace and just something, anything I wasnt getting. Then Sunday after church we met with a recent convert who just came back from boot camp. We talked about his conversion story. He talked a lot about missionaries and how he found the church, when it clicked for him. Multiple times during his bearing his testimony my prayers were answered. I was able to be at peace during these trials and more understand What I need to be doing. He will never know the power or impact his testimony had on my, mainly cause he is a 23 year old boy and I am a sister Missionary so I cant bare my soul to him. That would be awkward. But anyways Prayers are answered in so many ways and I feel so blessed to have my testimony stregthened once again.
So besides that, we had the miracle of Madisons baptism this saturday. She is just amazing. She turned nine 2 weeks before her baptism so we were blessed with a convert baptism. Teaching her and her sister was so much fun. They have lived in England the past 4 years so all the girls have english accents. They are moving to Japan this saturday and I am so sad they are leaving. They taught me more than I could ever teach them. I LOVE THEM!!
Well I hope you all are doing exceptionally well. I pray daily for you .
Love Kenzie
Pictures of the Baptism and AMAZING Sunsets.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 21, 2012

This week Has been HOT again. We had a few days where it was over 105. Sister Young has band all soda's due to the fact they dehydrate :( oh well were too poor for them anyways.
Well My Keyboard is really loud so Its awkward. At least the drunk guy isnt here this week. He stares a lot. . .
So We had an amazing spiritual week. Thursday Elder Snow from the 70 came and did a 5 hour zone conference with us. He taught us how to be better teachers and the importance of the spirit. I love these meetings because even though they keep reviewing the same thing, I seem to gain so much out of each one.
Saturday we went up to Eugene for a 2 hour Meeting with Elder Andersen of the 12, Elder Rasband of the 70 and the Presiding Bishop. The spirit was almost tangible. We were able to shake each of their hands and have that small moment with each of them. They reviewed what Elder Snow taught us and again we each took what we needed.
The Heaths took us up there, It was Linda's 1 year mark since her baptism. IT has been so great to be in her ward again and be able to be here as they prepare to go to the temple.
Speaking of temple We get to attend the temple today and I am totally stoked.
Well Here are some pictures for you all!!
Love you Long Time
Sister Rose
1-Medford Temple
2- My Mission
3-Goodbyes to Elder Young and Sister Reed
4&5-Pedicures and Hair Therapy as Service for a member :)
6-TIWI- This is our car monitor, it yells at you if you speed, dont wear a seatbelt, drive aggressivly or go fast to quickly. I dont like it.

Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13, 2012

Hello Family!
I hope you have all had a fantastic week. I cannot believe it is time for lexie to leave on her mission. Time just flies by out here. At first I never thought my mission was going to end. Now it seems like I am swimming against the current trying to make my time last longer. I just want to thank all of you for your love and support while I have been out here. I feel like one of the most blessed missionaries in the world to have such an amazing family behind me.
This week has been great. Sister Hoffman reminds me so much of Cassidy. Its probably one of the sweetest tender mercies of the lord I have recieved on my mission. The first day she got here she quoted the Ellen Here and Now movie and I almost died. I have been crackin those jokes since I came out here and no one gets them. Needless to say it makes tracting a lot more entertaining. Its so fun to be around her cause She really just reminds me of cassi, But it makes me miss her so so much more.
So In the Ensign this last month there was a talk about always being in the middle. Thats how I am looking at my mission. No Need to talk about me coming home :)
So Sister Hoffman came and we got to work. It was hard at first being the leader/ strong pull of the companionship cause Read was that for me. We set some awesome companionship goals and got to work. We met with Buddy and Claudia and a few things are holding them back from being baptized. So we are continuing to work with them to help them build a strong foundation of faith. Please keep them in your prayers.
We are also working with 3 other people and preparing them for baptism in the next few weeks- months. Its interesting how some people are so ready adn some need time.
Its been a blessing to be back here in Medford. My testimony that the Lord knows each of us and know specifically what we need has been stregnthened. There is no way this is just by chance.
I cannot believe summer is always over. I dont like the end of summer because a lot less people are outside and not as many people to talk to. I wont mind the heat leaving. It was 105 this past week with a lot of Humidity. I felt like I had been in a sauna all day. I dont know how Whitney is doing the New Mexico Heat, and Good Luck Lexie!! You go girls.
Well This stinks, I just tried to hook my camera up cause I had great pictures, but the camera is dead. Next week will be a picture letter.
I hope things are going well and I love you all. I pray for you daily and hope you will continue to be blessed.
Love Sister Rose

Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 6, 2012

So this week has been fantastic. I have felt the spirit so strongly all week. It was Sister Reed's last week in the mission and we worked our guts out. She has been such an amazing companion and I truly feel so blessed to have been companions with her. I have learned so much and I feel she helped me be the missionary I could be.
We Did a lot of finding this week, and we are continuing to teach our investigators. Buddy and Claudia are doing soooo Good! We are working on marriage and then Baptism for them :)
President asked me and Sister Reed to do exchanges with another set of sisters. They are Covering Central Point and the area is struggling alot. I was assigned to go to Central point which was awesome to go back to my first area. We had a blast and found some new investigators so that was nice.
I really suck at remembering my Camera Cord, but I will next week. I have some pictures of the goodbyes and other random things.
I love you all and hope things are going smoothly.
Peace and Blessings
Love Sister Rose

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 30, 2012

And Were gonna Baptize!!
This week has been absolutely splendid. Last week After Buddy and Claudia came to church a member invited them to FHE and it went fantastic. We met with them again Wednesday and answered more questions. On Sunday we went over and buddy told us how he had quit smoking. Our First lesson where we answered questions we taught them the ten commandments and Word of wisdom and Law of chastity. Its amazing they didnt get overwhelmed. Buddy said his grandma would be shocked to hear that he is going to the mormon church because she "used to be a mormon" my response was "Well you can invite her to your baptism" mind you this is four days after we had met. And He went right along with it, he said it would be hard to get her here cause she is old and in southern california. So after this smooth conversation me and my companion felt they were ready to commit to baptism. So on sunday after church we went to see them. we taught about the plan of salvation and invited them to be baptized. Buddy was so excited, claudia was a little hesitant but Buddy showed his support and they both commited. We are so excited to see them make this big step.
Our new apartment is sooo nice and clean. The spirit is a lot stronger in this new place then it was in the old apartment.
This week President came down and did a specialized training. I feel really blessed to have such a loving mission president who really loves each one of us. The next day the mission presidents wife came and did studies with us. We were sure that starting our day off with that would make for  a splendid day. As we drove home that night me and Sister Reed decided that it had been the worst proselyting day we had had together. I am sure Satan was trying to discourage us because he knew sunday would be amazing.
I feel so blessed to be a missionary. We are seeing so many miracles. This is Sister Reeds last week and I am sure she is going to blow it out of the water. It is always nerve racking getting a new companion but I know that whoever comes here will be perfect for the area.
I love you all, I am grateful for all you do.

Love Kenzie

Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23, 2012

Well I wont lie, This week has been awesomely Terrific. I just love my Companion Sister Reed. She helps me to be the best missionary possible, I see daily the many reasons for being here and being with her. One Example: Saturday we were tracting so we could make our goal of our tracting time. We had 50 minutes left and were finding a new street. We Picked a little dead end street and went for it. The 3rd Door we knocked on was Buddy and Claudia's. Claudia answered the door, and he has a thick accent from Switzerland. We talked for a few minutes and Buddy came to the door trying to shew us away, he is antagonistic so not interested. Well I was very blunt and said "you don't believe in a God, are you crazy" We all laughed and after about 25 minutes we finally got him to take a book of mormon and invited them to church. Walking away I made a mental not of their address because I was going to go back, they are soo nice. Well the next day  we went to our early morning meetings Sunday then Ran over to Norma's and Octavio's to wake them up for church. We got back and were greating people and then we see one of the members talking to Claudia and Buddy! We were shocked to see them there. We probably invite close to 100 people to church every week, and I have never had anyone come just because of an invite, Its usually pulling teeth. It was such a miracle, and we are meeting again with them tonight. The spirit really does work when were there and lingers when we leave if they allow it.
Last Monday we contacted a referal from the Zone Leaders. Her name is Joanie. A member had put on a medical form that she was LDS and Joanie talked to her about it and wanted to meet with missionaries. We had our first lesson last monday and Joanie is so ready!! She is praying about her baptismal date of August 11th, we are meeting with her again tonight, she has already read 2/3 of the Book of Mormon and loves it. Every minute of every day is full of gratitude here as a missionary. I seriously am shocked at the many miracles we see.
We also went to a Luau this last weekend and that was a blast. I wish I had pictures. I forgot my camera to that. We also just moved appartments this morning so everything is packed in suitcases or boxes and I have no idea where things are. We are in a much nicer place in town and the appartment is super clean. We had about 10 Missionaries helping us this morning and they were jealous of our new place. Its just amazing to see the blessings we are recieving. We have amazing people to teach the gospel to who are ready to accept baptism. But we are also being blessed temporally with a new apartment and a new car, Which has been such a blessing.
I love you all and hope you have a fantastic week.
Peace and blessings
Love Sister Rose

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 16, 2012

So this week has been exceptionally amazing. It was Hot, and we walked a lot. We picked up some awesome new investigators and set our first baptismal date for this area. I can truly see the Lords hand in our work. Its tough to go a few weeks without anyone progressing and setting baptismal dates, but I have been humbled and have been able to really focus on the people and just love them and what I am so blessed to be able to come out and do.
we set a date With Bethany. Her mom and sister are members and its about time she became one. She has two kinda half sisters that are leaning towards yes but want to pray about it. We wouldnt have it any other way.
Medford is so fantastic. Sister Reed is the hardest working companion I have ever worked with. Its her last six weeks and she wants to make sure she doesnt regret a second of it. It has been such a blessing to be with her and feel her great energy pushing the work. I love her so much!!.
Well I hope things are going well there, It really is amazing here and I am grateful for all your love and prayers.
Peace and Blessings.
Love Kenzie
District Parade
A note an investigator Left us
Peace Sign Painted on sidewalk
Nate! a recent convert from my first area!

July 9, 2012

So We started off this week with Miracle Monday. We saw a lot of miracles and were blessed in having 10 lessons that day. The goal is 20 lessons in a week so that was a miracle in itself. We found 4 new investigators and really had our testimony of faith and obedience built.
Since we came into the area we have had a lot of hard work. Its tough going into an area that has not much going on, and no connection with the ward. We have been very blessed by amazing Members, and many new investigators. But sometimes those fall through and as a missionary it can get a little discouraging. I had many moments this week where I felt tender mercies from the Lord.
After 5 hours of tracting one day we were waiting for a ride and decided to eliminate numbers in our phone we didn't know of. So we called the first number that was under TAPS.... They picked up and we said were missionaries and we want to know why your in our phone. . . Turns out it was another set of elders, again the name makes no sense. But It was cool cause I got to talk to an Elder I was in the MTC with. It was fun to talk to him for just a minute cause we havent served around eachother since.
Sunday in Relief Society I was able to hear the Testimony of one of my Recent Converts and how I played a key role in her conversion, and reactivation of her Husband and Daughter. The spirit was so strong and being able to feel the Love from her and knowing there is a reason I have been called her at this time. (D&C 100)
There is Also a man I worked with in Gold Hill when I was there a year ago that is now moved into the This ward. He is now ready to be baptized and I am so excited to be able to be a part of it. The Lord truly is blessing us, we just dont see it all right away.
Obedience is key to recieving the blessings of heaven.
Love Sister Rose

July 3, 2012

Hey Mom-
Today we dont have a lot of time to write. President is calling it "Miracle Monday" We started our day off with a mission wide conference call. Close to 200 people on the same call. It truly was so spiritual. We all prayed together and dedicated our day to finding. We have already seen amazing miracles.
Hearing about Kari makes me sick. I will keep her in my prayers, I will add her to the next fast we do also. What a miracle she is alive. Please hug Kristie for me.
I love seeing people come full circle! That is cool you got to see that man bless his son. I know I am supposed to be here in Medford 2nd ward. The day I arrived I found out Linda And Gary were in our ward. They moved over from gold hill, my first area. Linda was one of my first baptisms and is just solid. I will be in the area when she is ready to go through the temple. I am praying I will be able to attend.
This area is amazing! Its like the celestial kingdom. THe leadership here gets it and is ready to baptize!!
I love you guys and home you enjoy vacation!!
Love Kenzie 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26, 2012

Hello Family- Sorry to email late again, I got transfered Yesterday so we are emailing today. We got news last tuesday that we would probably be closing Merlin. So we spent the whole week getting it ready for a senior couple that would open it up. It is a great area for a senior couple but it was so sad to say goodbye!
I am now companions with sister Reed. She is pretty much fantastic, and the ward we have taken over seems to be Celestial. I am stoked to et all this work done! It seems as though Heavnely father has truly prepared this area for sisters. We spent all day cleaning Yesterday and this morning we spent a bit of time organizing the people we are hoping to work with. It looks really promising and I am just excited as ever for this transfer.
I will attatch pictures, because pictures are just awesome!
Love Kenzie
They are all families we worked with, and A baby kitten that was not our per. .. . for too long :)