Monday, August 27, 2012

August 27, 2012

I am going to be blunt honest in this email. I have never had a harder week in my life. I didnt understand why either. After the apostle visit we were able to go to the temple and this last Saturday we had an amazing baptism. The whole week I was fighting off feeling totally stressed and like I wasnt doing enough. I was praying for peace and just something, anything I wasnt getting. Then Sunday after church we met with a recent convert who just came back from boot camp. We talked about his conversion story. He talked a lot about missionaries and how he found the church, when it clicked for him. Multiple times during his bearing his testimony my prayers were answered. I was able to be at peace during these trials and more understand What I need to be doing. He will never know the power or impact his testimony had on my, mainly cause he is a 23 year old boy and I am a sister Missionary so I cant bare my soul to him. That would be awkward. But anyways Prayers are answered in so many ways and I feel so blessed to have my testimony stregthened once again.
So besides that, we had the miracle of Madisons baptism this saturday. She is just amazing. She turned nine 2 weeks before her baptism so we were blessed with a convert baptism. Teaching her and her sister was so much fun. They have lived in England the past 4 years so all the girls have english accents. They are moving to Japan this saturday and I am so sad they are leaving. They taught me more than I could ever teach them. I LOVE THEM!!
Well I hope you all are doing exceptionally well. I pray daily for you .
Love Kenzie
Pictures of the Baptism and AMAZING Sunsets.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 21, 2012

This week Has been HOT again. We had a few days where it was over 105. Sister Young has band all soda's due to the fact they dehydrate :( oh well were too poor for them anyways.
Well My Keyboard is really loud so Its awkward. At least the drunk guy isnt here this week. He stares a lot. . .
So We had an amazing spiritual week. Thursday Elder Snow from the 70 came and did a 5 hour zone conference with us. He taught us how to be better teachers and the importance of the spirit. I love these meetings because even though they keep reviewing the same thing, I seem to gain so much out of each one.
Saturday we went up to Eugene for a 2 hour Meeting with Elder Andersen of the 12, Elder Rasband of the 70 and the Presiding Bishop. The spirit was almost tangible. We were able to shake each of their hands and have that small moment with each of them. They reviewed what Elder Snow taught us and again we each took what we needed.
The Heaths took us up there, It was Linda's 1 year mark since her baptism. IT has been so great to be in her ward again and be able to be here as they prepare to go to the temple.
Speaking of temple We get to attend the temple today and I am totally stoked.
Well Here are some pictures for you all!!
Love you Long Time
Sister Rose
1-Medford Temple
2- My Mission
3-Goodbyes to Elder Young and Sister Reed
4&5-Pedicures and Hair Therapy as Service for a member :)
6-TIWI- This is our car monitor, it yells at you if you speed, dont wear a seatbelt, drive aggressivly or go fast to quickly. I dont like it.

Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13, 2012

Hello Family!
I hope you have all had a fantastic week. I cannot believe it is time for lexie to leave on her mission. Time just flies by out here. At first I never thought my mission was going to end. Now it seems like I am swimming against the current trying to make my time last longer. I just want to thank all of you for your love and support while I have been out here. I feel like one of the most blessed missionaries in the world to have such an amazing family behind me.
This week has been great. Sister Hoffman reminds me so much of Cassidy. Its probably one of the sweetest tender mercies of the lord I have recieved on my mission. The first day she got here she quoted the Ellen Here and Now movie and I almost died. I have been crackin those jokes since I came out here and no one gets them. Needless to say it makes tracting a lot more entertaining. Its so fun to be around her cause She really just reminds me of cassi, But it makes me miss her so so much more.
So In the Ensign this last month there was a talk about always being in the middle. Thats how I am looking at my mission. No Need to talk about me coming home :)
So Sister Hoffman came and we got to work. It was hard at first being the leader/ strong pull of the companionship cause Read was that for me. We set some awesome companionship goals and got to work. We met with Buddy and Claudia and a few things are holding them back from being baptized. So we are continuing to work with them to help them build a strong foundation of faith. Please keep them in your prayers.
We are also working with 3 other people and preparing them for baptism in the next few weeks- months. Its interesting how some people are so ready adn some need time.
Its been a blessing to be back here in Medford. My testimony that the Lord knows each of us and know specifically what we need has been stregnthened. There is no way this is just by chance.
I cannot believe summer is always over. I dont like the end of summer because a lot less people are outside and not as many people to talk to. I wont mind the heat leaving. It was 105 this past week with a lot of Humidity. I felt like I had been in a sauna all day. I dont know how Whitney is doing the New Mexico Heat, and Good Luck Lexie!! You go girls.
Well This stinks, I just tried to hook my camera up cause I had great pictures, but the camera is dead. Next week will be a picture letter.
I hope things are going well and I love you all. I pray for you daily and hope you will continue to be blessed.
Love Sister Rose

Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 6, 2012

So this week has been fantastic. I have felt the spirit so strongly all week. It was Sister Reed's last week in the mission and we worked our guts out. She has been such an amazing companion and I truly feel so blessed to have been companions with her. I have learned so much and I feel she helped me be the missionary I could be.
We Did a lot of finding this week, and we are continuing to teach our investigators. Buddy and Claudia are doing soooo Good! We are working on marriage and then Baptism for them :)
President asked me and Sister Reed to do exchanges with another set of sisters. They are Covering Central Point and the area is struggling alot. I was assigned to go to Central point which was awesome to go back to my first area. We had a blast and found some new investigators so that was nice.
I really suck at remembering my Camera Cord, but I will next week. I have some pictures of the goodbyes and other random things.
I love you all and hope things are going smoothly.
Peace and Blessings
Love Sister Rose