Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26, 2012

Hello Family- Sorry to email late again, I got transfered Yesterday so we are emailing today. We got news last tuesday that we would probably be closing Merlin. So we spent the whole week getting it ready for a senior couple that would open it up. It is a great area for a senior couple but it was so sad to say goodbye!
I am now companions with sister Reed. She is pretty much fantastic, and the ward we have taken over seems to be Celestial. I am stoked to et all this work done! It seems as though Heavnely father has truly prepared this area for sisters. We spent all day cleaning Yesterday and this morning we spent a bit of time organizing the people we are hoping to work with. It looks really promising and I am just excited as ever for this transfer.
I will attatch pictures, because pictures are just awesome!
Love Kenzie
They are all families we worked with, and A baby kitten that was not our per. .. . for too long :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

June 11, 2012

Oh Family This week was just Fantastic!
Well this week we had an experience. That Rooster we caught. . . . I got to Kill :) Hi I am Sister Rose, and I killed a rooster with an axe. It was really cool. I killed it and my companion skinned it. It was just a great experience. We truley are becoming mountain folk. We eat with spoons almost every meal!
The most exciting thing that happened.... Kaalyn and Jasmine got Baptized on Saturday. It was an amazing baptism. The spirit was very strong. It was so great to have them make those sacred covenants with our heavenly father. I feel so blessed to be a missionary and to be working with these amazing people. I got pictures, Kaalyn is convinced it was for blackmail, but I just never want to forget the amazing day of these miracles. The spirit is so strong on these days you can cut it with a knife, not that you would want to. On sunday when they recieve the Holy Ghost their blessings were beautiful and they were glowing. We had a BBQ after the baptism as a combination celebration for the baptism, Shane's birthday and my birthday. It was a great shin-dig.
So I just cease to be amazing at the amazing people out here in Oregon. My birthday was made great by all the members out here. Kaalyn, Shane and Jasmine gave us a Cute Card, The Orchards Made Dinner and a Cake and the Gilchrist did a birthday Cake and this wednesday were having a birthday dinner with The Johnsons and a few other members. Oh and on Saturday 3 couples took me and my companion out to lunch for our birthdays. It is just amazing how caring and loving these people all are.
Its been great to be here in Merlin, It is getting Hot, which means its summer, Which means. ITS TIME TO BAPTIZE!!!!
I love you all.
Love Sister Rose

Thursday, June 7, 2012

New Address

Sister Kenzie Rose
55 West 29th Ave. Ste A
Eugene, OR 97405