Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 30, 2012

First of all so flippin cool. Last night Pres. Young had a mission wide conference call. He told us how in the past 2 weeks the church has recieved 10,000 missionary applications and 5000 of those were sisters. The Mission department has been with P young this last week and they have decided we are increasing our missionaries from 180 to 250 not including senior couples! This means there will be at least one set of missionaries in every ward or branch if not 2 sets. I am so amazed at the miracle this has brought. I am sad that I wont be able to see the full effect of this till we all die, but I am excited to get our area booming for another set of missionaries. This truly is the word going forth to all nations kindreds and tongues!!!! 

So the most exciting news is. . . Transfers are today and I will be going ....... No where!!! I am so stoked I get to end my mission here in Medford. I truly feel like these people are my family and I am excited to be able to stay here and keep working with them. 

So this week started off a little slow because I was getting over my intestinal infection. By Wednesday we were back to work and working hard. We have had a tough week or so because all of our investigators are going on vacations, or there houses flood, or someone dies. Its crazy what happens once you start meeting with the missionaries. Its only for the true in heart I will tell you what. 

So we have been able to find 2 new investigators this week. Its interesting because they are both people I have tracted into before and they told me they weren't interested. Thats one tough thing about being in the same area for 6 months, especially when this ward is the size of a utah stake, so we tract it out about every month so I have knocked these doors a lot. But Its amazing how the spirit guides us. We went to  knock on Temple street (gotta be a sign right?) and we knocked on Toms door. He has turned me away before for various reasons, but the spirit whispered to my heart the things he needed and now we are going back to teach him and his family. Its such a blessing to be able to rely on the spirit to guide us to the elect. We also tracted into Alberta, the Zone Leaders wanted to come tract our area to show there support cause we cant do exchanges with the elders. . . for obvious reasons. So We prayed and went out and we found Alberta, another lady who told me no before but the spirit guided our conversation to the blessings of Relief Society and she is excited for us to come back. 

We had a LA show up at church on Sunday and it was fantastic. I was so excited to see her there, again someone I have been working with since I got here and this was her first time to church. It is great to see how through time people change and accept the gospel. 

Last night we Carved Pumpkins with Bethany. During the carving I just had this urge to invite her to be baptized. We have set multiple dates with her and they have fallen through. So I turned and was like, We all know Bethany wants to get baptized and I would really like to be there for it, I am leaving at the beginning of December. Her mom went strait to the Calendar and picked a Date. I felt bad for pulling the going home card, but It worked and she is getting baptized on Nov. 10th. 

So Funny story, Saturday night the elders called. They are a set that is out in the Booneys so we really only talk to them on Thursdays so it was wierd they were calling. Elder Johnson sounded so sad and said "We have had a really bad day and need to vent, and we know you Sisters can help" So they told us of how an hour before the baptism the girl broke her ankle, and they came home after a crazy day and their apartment had flooded from the upstairs neighbors and had no heat. Elder Johnson said "Sister Rose, I know you have been sick and had really bad days so you understand" I dont think loosing a baptism is close to being sick but hey, we all get our challenges. 

I love you all and will attatch some pictures from this past few weeks. It is beautiful here and I need to get more pictures of Leaves!!!! 

Love Sister Rose 

The District, We dressed like Elders, 
The Pretty Leaves 
A furry (girl Who wears a tail and cat ears) 
Jeremiahs Baptism 
Gogurt Yogurt for people on the go, Now were to busy for applesauce. . . . 
Pumpkins With The Gardners 
Pumpkins with my new Little Brother Kyler 
Elder Davis's Birthday Celebration


Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15, 2012

Well This week was great. We had a few hiccups in the work but have been able to see the Lords hand in things.
Saturday we had a baptism of Jeramiah. He is an 8 year old boy and his parents are semi- active. We have been working to get him ready for baptism and his dad ready to perform the ordinances. It was such a sweet moment to be able to see it all happen.
One of the Missions theme is whenever someone ask us what time it is our response is "Its time to Baptize". So at the baptism there was a little three year old and he ran up to the grandma and looked up very earnestly and said to his grandma "Its TIME TO BAPTIZE" I smiled so big. Its great to see little kids that get it.
I love it here in Medford. I feel like everyone is just family here. I love the members and how supportive they are with they work. I feel so blessed to be serving here. and it is not freezing here so that is a plus. I cannot believe its fall already and people are getting ready for Halloween. The time here just flies by. The leaves are changing colors and its starting to smell like autumn.
Well I forgot my camera cord. . . So pictures will come next week. I love you all and hope you have a fabulous week.
Love Sister Kenzie Rose

Monday, October 8, 2012

October 8, 2012

So this week was interesting. Tuesday we were out tracting and I almost passed out. I felt so weak and shaky so we went and tested my blood sugar at a members. It was high enough but the member said "ya know if your a diabetic it would be that high" I pushed the thought from my mind and went home and ate, then 3 hours later same thing happened. We called a doctor in the stake and he asked some quiestions and was like "oh no.... oh boy...... you need to come in" Dearest Doctor thanks for seeing me but work on your bedside manner. He was pretty concerned I had the Diabetes. I was in bed for 3 days just sleeping, I would wake up and eat and drink then go back to sleep. It STUNK SO BAD!!!! I got a blessing and began to feel better. So the blood test came back negative and the past few days I have been feeling a lot better. My Mission presidents wife prayed it was a really bad case of the flu. I was so relieved when the test came back negative.
We did have some amazing lessons in between the sickyness. We met with Jeanie. We tracted into her my first month in the area and she turned us down. Well a member gave her as a refereal and she let us in. She said she had been praying about what she needed in her life and mormons kept showing up, including us tracting into her. I testified that we pray before we go and I know Heavenly Father Sent us to her. It was a great lesson, and she will soon enter the waters of baptism :)
We are also teaching Donna an amazing referal from another ward. She is great and is going through a lot of trials right now. She watched Conference with the bishops family tomorrow. So she is pretty well taken care of. I just love these people.
The Other night we went to dinner and a dog pee'd on me twice. . . SO gross. Then we went to visit Norma and she told us she cant meet with us anymore cause it upsets her husband too much. So as were walking out her drunk husband kisses my hand. UGH So Gross. We started driving and I just felt so sad. I never thought I could love and care for someones salvation so strongly, But that is how the work goes. We are being blessed for what we are doing.
Love Sister Rose

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1, 2012

Am I allowed to hate Satan, to despise every thing he does to stop this work from Progressing. This past two weeks has been the hardest weeks of my mission.
It started out Tuesday this week when my companion was dieing in bed. Well long story short, She has an ulcer. Dont worry the doctor said I could give her my medicine so she is now on one of my old medications. Thursday was an amazing zone conference, which really humbled me and It got me even lower. Wait it actually started Monday night when One of our baptismal candidates that we have been working with almost 4 months dropped us. Then we went and got in the middle of a drunk fight. . . UGH. Friday our program was supposed to take an hour and it took all day to get things ready for the baptism we were not even sure if it was going to happen pretty much until she got into the font.
I feel so blessed for the trials that happened this week. I have been able to draw closer to the savior and more understand what he would have me do. I love this gospel. I love the strength we can gain from the atonement. It is so amazing the work we can all be a part of.
I LOVE you aLL
Love Kenzie
Caties Baptism
How I really feel
and Caties Family :)