Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 28, 2012

Hey Family! I hope you are all having a wonderful Holiday weekend. Its
crazy here in Grants Pass because of Boatnik.... Its like a boat show
party. They have boat races on the Rogue. We got to watch a few on
Saturday it is pretty great.

Well This past week was truly an amazing week. Jasmine Decided after
one sunday at church that she wants to get baptized! Her and Kaalyn
will get baptized June 9th, by Shane who is just starting to come back
to church. It is an amazing experience to see the Gospel Change
peoples lives.

Well the biggest news of the week is that Pam was able to get
baptized. We got word about 3 hours prior that our mission president
would like to come.  We had it all set up that a new convert in the
ward that connected with Pam was going to do it. The baptism was at
6:30 and at 5:15 we got a call that he was too sick to get out of bed.
It was sad, you could hear how sad he was over the phone. Well me and
my companion went into a classroom and prayed we sat there and with
tears in our eyes both felt peace that this would work out. I then
felt really strongly that we should ask President Young to Baptize
Pam. We made the calls and he said he would be honored to do that if
thats what she wanted. She agreed and he was able to baptize her. The
spirit was sooo strong. The Love that President Young has for everyone
he meets is just incredible. He shows so much Charity it is amazing.
It was quite an experience to see president young in the font talking
Pam through it all. Pam is 63 and a cancer survivor and has a lot of
health problems. She was pretty worried, but President Young and her
were determined to only do it once. It was one of the best moments of
my mission. We found out later that it was President Youngs first
baptism since he came to Oregon.

She was able to get confirmed on Sunday and seemed to be on cloud 9.
She is truly converted to the gospel and knows it will bless her life.

We really are seeing miracles daily here in Merlin and I feel so
blessed to be a part of it.

Love Sister Rose

1- Me and Elder Burton, He is 6'11
2- The Zone at the temple
3- Me holding an albino snake, Yes that is my Justin Bieber watch, and
Yes I got it approved :)
4-  The Scorpion we found about Judd's bed. IT was icky.
5-Pam Before Baptism!
6- Sister Young Me Pam Sister Judd and President after Baptism
7- A strong snake, we ran over it with the car, twice and it just
slithered away.

Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21, 2012

Hello Family!
I am sorry I didnt write last week. I could have carved a stone letter in the time it was taking the internet to load. Thought about it, but shipping stone is quite pricey. Well this past few weeks have been really amazing. President Young had each of the companionships make goals and send them into him. So me and my companion spent some time thinking about what we need to do to see miracles. We set a goal to have 5 baptisms this next 6 weeks. We had names for all the baptisms and felt really good about it. Saturday we got a call that 3 of the kids we were teaching, aka 3 baptisms were not interested anymore. It was really heart breaking. But we are keeping our goal at 5, we both felt inspired to have 5 so we know Heavenly Father will make it possible.
So this Sunday we went to church fasting for our goals. We had Kaalyn show up that is getting baptized June 9th, Pam wasnt able to make it but she gets baptized Saturday. Kaalyn brought her little Sister Jasmine. Jasmine was really quite and wouldnt really talk to us. Then During class a guy names Jim and his roomate Craig showed up. It was cool to have 4 investigators at church. So we went to teach Kaalyn last night and at the end of the lesson I felt like I really needed to invite Jasmine to learn more about the church. It was scary cause we were just about to pray and leave but I felt like we really needed to do it. So I asked her and she went quiet, in my mind I was like oh shoot I made this awkward and she doesn't want to, But then she said "Ya I would really like to learn more" We played it cool and set up a return appointment. When we got in the car we were freaking out. I know that my testimony in fasting for miracles and really listening to the spirit has been stregnthened.
I saw a way cool car the other day, It was this white little car with a big cirlce on top with a bunch of camera's. IT WAS TOTALLY A GOOGLE MAPS CAR!! So it was taking pictures of all the streets here in grants pass, I was standing in front of the dentist office, so If you look up the address I will probably be in the picture. MOMENT OF FAME!!
So another cool thing, Yesterday was the eclipse, It was pretty amazing to watch. I dont know if it was visable in utah I would assume so.
Well I love you all and I hope your doing wonderful.
Peace and Blessings
Love Sister Rose

Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7, 2012

Hello Family!!
So this week was amazing!! We got to go to the temple after Zone conference. Zone Conference is probably one of the highlights of my mission. I love being in a Chapel with over 50  missionaries and being taught from President Young and his Councelors and the Assistants. The spirit it so strong and you learn not only from what they are teaching but a lot of personal revelations comes. We talked a lot about the Enabling power of the atonement, if you havent read the talk from Elder Bednar from this aprils ensign read it, it will bless you in every aspect of your life.
So we did a session at the temple, and well it was terrific. When I got done I was walking out of the dressing room and a Sister from my last area started telling me of some things going on up in Roseburg. The ward is being hit pretty hard with some trials, and I was really sad to hear it. While she was talking I had the thought I needed to get going so I wrapped up the conversation and left. As We walked out into the hallway, These small temples have one hallway to the Baptismal font to the right or the left for endowments. Anyways, I walked out and Saw Linda and Gary! Linda is one of my converts from my first area, and Gary is her husband. I loved them so much, they are like family. Seeing them there was probably one of the best moments of my mission. They were there to do baptisms for the dead. It was so great to catch up with them for a minute and just hug them. I was able to stop by the house for about 15 minutes a few months ago when we were at training in medford, but let me tell you this was just great. Seeing a recent convert in the temple, is the most fulfilling feeling in the world. They will be able to get sealed this fall and I am so Excited for them.
Saturday we went out to Glendale. The town is a little sketchy.... We were walking out of an appointment and this parked  car had a rifle across the front seat, my companion wouldnt let me take a picture :(  But even better  a few miles away we were driving and there was this kid maybe 14 holding his gun and a dead turkey posing for pictures. His mom looked ridiculously proud... I love it here!
Yesterday at church our investigator Kaalyn and her Husband Shane were meeting with the bishop so Me and my companion and our Recent convert hung out with her kids, they are 5, and 3. They are hillarious. We taught them about the temple. When we told Cam, the little boy he could be with his family forever he looked and opened his whole mouth and gasped. It was sooo cute. As we were entertaining him he kept asking for his mom, so I told him we were playing hide and go seek and that his parents were looking for us. Then the little girl started talking and he yelled "SHHHH THEY WILL HEAR US" he got mad at anybody that talked for the next 5 minutes.  He then needed to go potty and he came right up to my face put his hand on my shoulder and said" I NEED TO GO POTTY" obviously we cant take him, so I was like "Cam what are we going to do, Maybe we could sing a song?" I sang popcorn popping 3 times, then asked if he wanted another song, He looked up and said Yes then whispered. " the popcorn one" that kept him occupied until his parents came out. Later that night Kylee the 5 year old said "Dad you know we can go to the temple and be with our families forever? (then looking at the friend that is not interested at all she says) Got that Jasmine?" it was cute and hillarious. 
The work here is going well, I forgot my camera cord which stinks cause I have lots of pictures. But next week you will see!!!
I love you all, keep the faith.
Peace and Blessings
Love Sister Rose