Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28, 2012

So This last week was amazing. We found a new family we are teaching and the daughter is getting baptized on December 8th. The grandparents soon to follow. We were teaching her the Plan of Salvation and asked her if she knew who Jesus was. She began telling us the story of Snow white. . . Me and my companion were both super hesistant but the spirit kept telling us to invite her to be baptized. The member we were with looked at us like we were crazy. After an long lesson that we thought went over Lori's head we had her say the prayer. Oh My goodness I have never been more humbled on the mission. This little girl said the most heartfelt prayer, she pleaded with God that she might know that his plan was true and that she could see her granny again. The whole room was in tears. It was an amazing witness to me yet again that God knows each of us and if we heed the spirit miracles will happen.
Thanksgiving was great. We had 3 dinners we attended then had desert at a recent converts house. I have never had Alcohol at a Thanksgiving but it was a new experience. The family was so kind to us. Her dad is a Chef and the food was fabulous. We also had dinner at their house last night, best mac & cheese I have ever had!
We ended the night playing games at the church with the Elders. In the morning it was lame cause me and my comp are the only sisters so while the elders were hanging out at eachothers apartments we were home alone. . .But The night ended so well. I truly am so grateful for the amazing friendships and experiences I have had.
I love you all and hope you had an amazing week.
Love Kenzei

Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19, 2012

This week was absolutely amazing. We had some of the highest numbers I have ever had on my mission. The District Leaders and Zone Leaders Called and wanted to know how we did it. Well we worked hard and Prayed!! 

Our Investigator Tom dropped us because his wife may be a mormon hater. ... But its all good cause once she softens up he will be ready. Its always hard to say goodbye to those people you teach and love and they accept it their family just doesnt. But It is the Lords Will and it will all be better one day. 

We are also starting to teach our Recent Converts Family. They were very much against us at the beginning but I think they can see how the gospel is blessing their daughter and they are opening up a bit more. 

I feel so blessed to be able to be out here on a mission serving the lord. This week truly was just a miracle week and I cannot wait for this next week. I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving!! 

Love Sister Macdaddy Rose 

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012

Well this past week was terrific. I cannot believe it is almost thanksgiving. Its always fun to be outside talking with people during the Holliday Season they seem a little more friendly. It is starting to get a bit cold here, there is snow in the Mountains and it looks beautiful. I cant believe its already that time of year. I seriously still feel like its summer and I have only been out a couple of weeks. Crazy how fast time goes. 

Well this week was Bethany's baptism. We have been working with her for a long time and I feel so blessed to be able to see her get baptized. The spirit was super strong and I just absolutely loved being there. It was stressful when the meeting was supposed to start and the Presiding authority and witnesses weren't there. But it all worked out like a charm. This work truly is amazing. 

We also had the opportunity to teach Seminary this week while the teacher was out of town. It was pretty great. The youth is so strong here its amazing. I love being able to work with them . 

This weekend we had an open house at the temple over in Central Point. Our RC Caties dad came. It was good to be able to answer a lot of his questions. The first time we met her parents they were not open to us at all but to see him come to that was HUGE. I am sure her family will be members in the next few years. 

Well thats about it. We have a huge line of missionaries waiting to use computers so this is going to be short but I lvoe you all.

Love Kenzie 

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5, 2012

Dearest Family and Others -
Well this week was a unique week. As some of you know sometimes people tell me things that put me in the wrong place at the wrong time. We got into a situation this past week and lets just say I am glad its over with! We had a really great week though other then that, oh and loosing my wallet. . .. That was scary.
So we met with Tom this week. We tracted into him last week and he is fantastic. I am really excited to see him progress in the gospel. He said once he knows what were teaching is true he will get baptized. So he knows why we are there.
We also have a baptism this Saturday for Bethany. I am so excited to see this finally happen!! Its going to be great. Its amazing to see the spirit work on those so young. God really is no respecter of persons.
Halloween was fun, we got to stay out till 7:30 then were locked in. But we made the best of it. I hope you all had a great halloween. Corgan and Grey look like they had a blast.
Well I love you all. Sorry this is so short I just cant really remember all that has happened. I will attatch pictures though.
Love Kenzie
My Best Friend Lucy Bee. .. . Were gonna hang out after the mission
YOu all know I LOVE cats. . .
And The BEAUTIFUL Leaves.