Monday, December 12, 2011

December 12, 2011

This week was filled with Miracles. We spent a few hours tracting in the 30 degree weather which is always fun because of the hillarious things people say to you. But more than anything it shows that we are looking for people to teach. Heavenly Father see's our desires and blesses us.
Tuesday after Tracting for 2 hours in literally 30 degree weather and a lot of our appointments had fallen through we went to our last appointment of the night. Bobbie answered the door and had forgotten we were coming over. We asked if there was a better time and she said  no we could still come in. Her Son had just come home from a mission, he is the only member in the family and she wanted us to meet him thats why we were there. We got to talking about the gospel and how she wants it for her life. We walked out of there with a Baptism Date for Decmeber 22nd!! She is so excited!!
The Next day we had a meeting with a long time investigator who's wife and daughters are members. He has been through multiple sets of missionaries and has been investigating for over a year. Everyone knows him. He is an active non member of the church. We went into his house and simply asked what was holding him back. He explained how over Thanksgiving he was able to work out some familiy things but there were still questions. We taught about the spirit and how it teaches us and how he can have the spirit as a constant companion. He also is now getting baptized on December 22nd.
I love these miracles because it is bringing Families to the temple in a year from now! We are truly having a white Christmas with baptisms and it is amazing. I love this gospel and all that we see in it changing lives.
Attatched will be some awesome Pictures.
Love Sister Rose

Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5, 2011

Well Seems like it was a real Busy week back home. I hope things are going well with everyone there.
I wont lie My mind is a complete blur as it has been these past couple of days. I am trying to wrap my head around all the new changes here in the area. We ended up not getting a third companion last minute so me and Sister Cluff are Taking over the Melrose and Roseburg wards together and Tackling the work Head on. It has been a crazy busy work but we cannot complain when the crazy busy work leads to baptisms!!
This week we have been working Really Closely With Maggie Who is preparing for Baptism. It is heartbreaking how hard the adversary works on these people to keep them away from the church. It is another testimony to us that the church is true or Satan would not try so hard to keep people out of it. We spend at least an Hour a day with Maggie to give her the stregnth she needs to keep going. She is amazing. I cannot wait to get her to her Baptism, Then she will have the gift of the Holy ghost and things will get a little easier.
We Had to say our goodbyes to the Newton Creek ward which included the three Kids we baptized last transfer. It was remarkable to go and see them since there baptism. The change is like night and day. They are in foster care and have had a lot of emotional challenged. There Grandparents say that since baptism none of them have had meltdowns, and they have seen the most amazing change in there attitudes and behaviors. The oldest girl told us she doesnt like to lie anymore cause it makes her feel bad. I was so touched by this miracle because getting them baptized was probably the most difficult thing I have done on my mission. But seeing the outcome made it so worth it. and gives me the drive to keep working hard against the power of the adversary.
It is amazing the miracles we are seeing. A boy named Rodrigo came to church on sunday and asked where he had to sign up to be a member of the Church. We are meeting with him this week and he seems really solid. This doesn't usually happen here so we are pretty excited. A friend at school told him that our church was a good church and that he should go. He came and stayed for all three hours. And he loved it. Its amazing What the spirit can do when people come to church, its getting them there that is the obstacle.
Its wierd it is the Christmas season already. President Young sent out and Invitation to every member of the Church in Oregon to Invite a non member friend into there home to hear a message of Jesus Christ from the missionaries. I Am challenging you all to do the same thing. I know you guys all know someone who is not a member of the church. Please invite them over to our home and get in contact with the missionaries and ask them to come do a lesson about Christ and His atonement  and the need for the restoration. The Spirit that a missionary brings is undeniable and it would be a blessing to have in our home. I cannot wait to hear about who you guys invite over and how it turns out.
I love you All. I dont know what pictures didnt attatch last week, But I will attatch some awesome ones from booneyville this week.
Peace and Blessings
Love Sister Rose

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28, 2011

This week is going to be a little Jumbled So hang in there with me.
So we have been working with some amazing people. We got a call last week from the Elders saying A Lady had sent in a request for missionaries but only wanted sisters. I wont lie, thats one of the perks of being a sister  :) So we called her and went over to visit her. Maggie is amazing!!! By our second visit she had read all the way to 2Nephi and was ready to set a date for Baptism. She is preparing to be baptized on December 17th. We are so excited for her, she has been prepared and loves the way the members of the church have a light in their eyes.
We are also working with Mario, this man is going to give us a run for our money. He has been through missionaries for the last 20 years. He has been in mexico for the past two years and before that he was in alaska. He speaks broken english and my spanish isnt to great so his wife helps out allot. He says he wants to serve a mission eventually with his wife but he wants an angel to tell him to join the church. I told him the other Day I was going to shake him. He just laughed at me. His wife thinks the sister  missionaries might be the key to his conversion cause he has only had elders in the past, and he has 5 daughters. We are fasting and praying for help.
This week for thanksgiving we had membering invite us over for breakfast lunch and dinner. It was interesting running all day. But it was fun, I lvoed being around families all day and feeling the love. I will attatch one picture thats all I got from thanksgiving with Kevin and Amanda they are a couple we absolutely LOVE!!
I am also going to attatch a picture of the trees, YOu will see that it is still very green here, but also that the trees are covered in moss, it is so wet here they just get covered in this moss it is so wierd.
We got transfer calls on Saturday and found out we will be seeing a lot of changes as a companionship. We are getting a new companion, Sister Rogers so we will be in a Trio. We are giving away Newton Creek Ward so it can have its own set of Missionaries, and We are Taking over Melrose and Roseburg wards. So it will be a whole new experience of getting to know new people and baptizing new members!! I love this work, I know its what I am supposed to be doing.
Love you Guys
 Peace and Blessings
Love sister Rose

Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21, 2011

Its so wierd that this week I hit my six months mark. It makes me worry that this time is going way to fast. I seriously feel like I flew into Medford airport last week. I don't understand how the time goes so quickly.
The weather is the one thing that is reminding me the time is moving on. In the summer it was in the 90's now we are lucky to get to the 40's. It does rain a lot. But it is beautiful here. It is so green and because it is so wet the trees are covered in green moss. It is crazy wierd.
So this week we were able to see Dakota Molly and Hailey Get baptized. We found them the first Saturday in this area. They are living with their grandparents who are members and wanted them to take the lessons. They are such amazing kids and loved learning about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. It was fun to see the change this gospel can make in even the Little kids lives. Their baptism came with a lot of challenges, the Advesary through every obstacle possible at us but with much prayer and work with every leader in the church we were able to pull it off and the spirit there was so strong.
This week our ward boundaries were changed also. This means for our ward we lost about 90 members in one of our wards. It was like a Utah ward. I was shocked my first week here to see how huge the ward was, but now it is just our job to build it back up again. It will be interesting to see how long it takes to split these wards again, this last time it took 29 years. I am betting within the next 5 years this area has a new stake. The church is exploading and it is exciting to be a part of this work.
I love you all. I am so very grateful for each and everyone of you. I am grateful for this gospel and how it blesses my life. I am grateful for Joseph Smith, for the Sacrifices he made so this church could be on this earth today. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon. Reading it ten minutes a day will change anybodies life.
Love Sister Rose

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14, 2011

So this week was way fun. I cannot believe how fast this is going. We started off the week at Presidents house for a sisters conference "Slumber Party" Which you can see pictures of here at our new blog!  It was so nice to spend time with President and Sister Young With all the sisters. It was truly a blessing.
When we came back Tuesday we went straight back to work. We Are Preparing Dakota, Mollie and Hailey for their Baptism This Friday  night. The week of Baptisms are always crazy, But these poor kids have the adversary working on them hard. It is amazing what prayer does and how strong the kids are. They were scheduled to be baptized Saturday but they were so excited we moved it up a day. It is so much fun working with young children. I love how they just absorb what we are teaching them.
We met one of our new investigators this past week. His name is Ahmed. We had prayed the night before on where we should tract and after a few set backs and my companion saying "There has got to be a reason we are being Delayed!!" We set out for our street. We prayed and got out of the car, I Saw him on the porch and said lets go talk to him, Sister Cluff was a little Apprehensive because it looked like we were targetting him. My response was "We are targeting him" So we went, I introduced myself and as sister Cluff started he read her badge and said "Jesus Christ, Come in Come In!" He barely speaks english. We are working on getting Arabic teaching supplies, but I can promise you this stuff doesn't happen regularly in the United states :) We feel really blessed to be working with him, although it is the hardest thing in the world to teach the gospel in a laguage you dont know at all, but he says "I can feel you know it in your heart" Which I understand is the Spirit testifying to him of the truths we are teaching him. It is such an amazing thing to be a part of, and the miracle in even being able to understand some of what he is saying is pretty cool.
It has been crazy busy, We are filling our calendars 2 weeks out with appointments. This sunday our ward has a "special meeting" with 2 other wards in which we all think the boundaries are changing so we are interested in what that is going to bring. I just love the gospel and all the blessings and comfort it brings to us and our families. I hope all is well at home. I love you guys.
Love SIster Rose

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7, 2011

Hey Family-
So this week has been super good. I am going to try to see if I can remember all that has happened and try to talk about the area a little more than I have. I love the Roseburg area, It is so beautiful and it doesn't rain as much as the rest of Oregon, so they say. But it does Rain and it started this week. It has been raining a lot this week and I am done with  it already. I pray everyday it wont rain, and some days my prayers are answered right away, and others it takes a while for that prayer to get answered.
This week I was blessed to be able to go back to my old area for Kellie's baptism. I started teaching Kellie about a month before I left, and when I left I was sad I would miss her Baptism. She asked if I could come down, and when I asked President about it he felt kinda iffy but in the end let me go. It was an amazing experience and the spirit was super strong. She bore her testimony at the end I it was the most plain and simple but heartfelt testimony I have heard in a long time. I love her so much and I am so grateful I was able to be a part of her Teaching. I cannot wait to see what becomes of her, She has Relief Society President written all over her!!
This weeek in Training we focused a lot on family history. We visited the Family history cented and I was able to get my four generation family tree. I want to get into family history so badly!! To bad I am busy working with people who are alive and well right now and cant really work with the dead for a while. But You should all go to your family history centers and see what it is all about it was soooo cool. I loved it so much.
So we have spent a lot of time contacting people who havent been to church in a while and we are having a lot of success with that. It is hard sometimes because some people don't want anything to do with you, but most of them just need a friend and a nice invite back. It is so amazing to be here and to feel the love our heavenly father has for all of his children. When we go out in search of them I can truly feel a small bit of the love he has for these people and it is just easy to want to bring them back.
Well I will attatch some pictures. I love you guys!!
love sister Rose
Kellie's Baptism
Tracting on a street in Roseburg
Awesome Sunset In Melrose
Lamp the Elders were using .. . . . .
The Mic in the Primary.... SICK
Lil bit of Fog. . Love it every Day
Peace and Blessings
Love sister Rose

Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011

So this is going to be quick. But I just wanted to write quickly and tell you all How awesome Roseburg is. It is beautiful here. I love the area and the people here. There is a lot of work to do and It has been fun to just dive in and work hard every day, We go to bed everynight and it feels like right after we lay down the alarm goes off to get up and start running again. It is a never ending work but I wouldnt change it for the world.
We have seen a lot of miracles and been blessed to have a lot of work to do. My companion is amazing. She is the hardest working missionary and I love that. She loves what she is doing and knows how important this work is.
Pictures of our Halloween fiesta to come next week.
Love you Guys
Peace and Blessings.
Love sister Rose

Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24, 2011

So this week Is a combined Email to all those of you who wrote me. I am sorry The computer I was on for the last hour barely let me read the emails. I will learn better for next week. So this week has been amazing we have seen amazing miracles and its been a ton of fun. I am now with Sister Cluff who Just out of the MTC, She is bomb. I love her to death, were the bestest friends. She lived in Aunt Sheri's ward for a while and Loves the Titensors so that was a fun thing to figure out.
So Leaving Central Point was really hard. I love the people there and we saw a lot of people progress and come closer to Christ. I know it was time to leave but it was really hard. I will attatch some pictures of my last days there. I love it there and I hope the best for the people there.
I love Roseburg, We are the only sister missionaries in this zone and They have not had sisters here for over 20 years. SO were are like a novalty. It is pretty much the best thing in the world, People love us and will do anything in the world for us. Its hard sometimes because people serve us so much and we are here to serve them it is hard.
So I am sorry this is so Short and Lame, But My emails are getting pretty boring Eh.  SO Here are the pictures :)
First one is The Heath Family I love them!!
Second Is the Barajas- Ramirez- Florez Family. They are amazing.
Then This is Kelly, She is getting Baptized this Month, And The Stake President Who is amazing I love President Wright.
Then There is Nate, He is the Kid who Got Baptized Last month and Is Bomb!! Hangs out with the Elders all the time.
Love Sister Rose

Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17, 2011

Hey Family!
So this last week has been fantastic. It has been a week of amazing growth in myself and I have been blessed to see the blessings of the atonement in so many aspects of this life. I love this gospel and the knowledge we have that Jesus Christ has suffered below all that we will ever go through so that we don't have to do it alone. It is such a blessing to have this knowledge and to go out and share this with people and see it change there lives is the most amazing thing.
I got the call this week that I am being transfered to Melrose, Which is Right outside of Roseburg. I am really excited to go to a new area and find new people to share the gospel with. It has been hard saying goodbye to the people that I have come to love so much through this amazing gospel. The hardest part is saying goodbye to those who have recently been baptized or those Who I am going to miss their baptisms by just a week. But I know that the Lord needs me elsewhere and that there is amazing blessings and work to do in Melrose. I cannot wait to meet the people up there and to share this amazing gospel we have with them.
I love you guys, Sorry my emails have been shorter and lamer, My camera and cord are packed this week, too bad cause I have all my goodbye Central Point Pictures I could have shared. Next week I will send them to you. I love you guys and am so grateful for all your support. Thanks for everything you do.
Peace and Blessings
Love Sister Rose

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October 12, 2011

Its wierd how fast this missionary life seems some days. I cannot believe the work we are doing and how quickly the weeks fly by. Thank you to everyone for your letters and emails. I love reading and hearing about how you all are doing.
This week has been good. We are working with two separate ladies who have both decided to be baptized. Kim and Kelly. They both live very different lives and are excited to add the gospel to their lives to add more blessings.
We had zone conference this week and it was amazing. The spirit was so strong and we gained a lot of instruction on how to better use the tools we have as missionaries. Nate who got baptized a few weeks ago joined us at zone conference and loved it. It got him really excited for his mission. He really needs the good influence of young men in his life doing the right thing and that was good for him.
The work is going, we are praying and searching for more people to find to teach. I hope you all are doing well!!!
Love Sister Rose

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3, 2011

Was crazy, I only have a minute to write.
Conference was fantastic! I loved that! it was so amazing!! We are working in the rain trying really hard to find people to teach.
We had interviews this week also and that was bomb. I love meeting with president and learning so much from the leaders in this mission. I love this mission it is the best thing ever. I love you guys so much Keep up the good work at home!!
Love Sister Rose

Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26, 2011

It is crazy how fast the time flies. I cannot believe it is almost October! I keep thinking it is only June, but I am always a little slower than most....
I love Oregon. I am still here in Central Point and loving every second of it. We are doing a lot of finding activities because we need more people to teach. It is quite an amazing opportunity to get into members houses and build the trust with them and they are allowing us to meet their friends and families to teach. Just as President Hinckley said that is the best way to do Missionary work.
This last week we had a day where we tracted for a little over 3 hours with no one letting us talk. I was sad when the Jehovah's Witness wouldn't compare scriptures with us because they always compare scriptures with us and I was so tired of being yelled at and being told I was going to Hell. So at the end of the night as were walking in We got a phone call from the Elders. They had a Referral from us of an amazing woman That they met. We went to meet her 2 days later and we asked her how she felt about baptism, her response was "I am trying to get into your church!!" Needless to say she is gaining a testimony of the book of Mormon and the prophet Joseph Smith. We are teaching her at the Stake Presidents house and Having Him and His wife fellowship her is a huge blessing. In the process we hope to activate her Less active Boyfriend. We are really excited for Kelly, She says she has been searching for many churches and feels this one is calling for her. After praying much about it she wants to learn more. And After praying for someone to teach our prayers were answered Also!!
I love how the spirit works miracle. We see them everyday and are blessed to see them bless other people. I know this church is true. I know that every good thing in my life has come from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I am thankful for that knowledge.
We were able to attend Womens conference this last weekend and Listening to Elder Utchdorfs talk was a special experience. He spoke of being happy right now for what we have, enjoying the basic things in life and not waiting for the big things we want out of life. It made me think how many times I have passed on simple joys wanting so badly more in my life. I have most definitely given up more than I should have.
I love you all! I hope you have a fantastic week. Sorry No pictures this week, We have been running all week, But I will take some this week I swear!
Peace and Blessings
Love Sister Rose

Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19, 2011

Okay so this week has been pretty crazy. Last Sunday we fasted for Nates mom to have a soft heart towards letting him be baptized and it is a miracle how things happen!!! Nate was able to get baptized last night with all of his friends and ward family supporting him. So this week we worked really close with him to make sure he was prepared and ready to go!!
So in one of the lessons Nate was telling us how he had been praying to find truth, to know what to do with his life. The next day his girlfriend tricked him into the lessons with us :) God works in mysterious ways and it is awesome!! His baptism was so cool, we set it up so it was all the youth in the ward doing the program. The spirit was so strong and we could all feel the spirit testify to us of how true this gospel is.
We Are working with Another Lady, Nikki she plans on getting Baptized in October she was able to come to Nates baptism and get a little preview for how its going to be with her. She has sacrificed so much and changed her whole life to get ready to be baptized it is amazing!!
We are working with a less active Hispanic family. My companion speaks Spanish, they all speak Spanish. .. I should have studied more Spanish. I was wondering what a word meant and their little boy yelled at me "If you were Mexican you would know what it was!!" Well Your right and I am white so this is awkward.
The little town of Medford has been the spotlight this week for wait for it.... Extreme Home Makeover!! A lot of people in town have been talking about it. I didn't meet Ty or anything so its nothing to me, I have work to do!!
This Mission is amazing!! This Sunday we were able to teach the primary kids about missionary work, and some kid raised his hand and said " I have a theory, you came on a mission cause your Jealous of the boys" Well thats one theory....
I have never been so blessed in my life. I love everyday I get out here and it is the best time we could ever have!!
Love you All. Attached are some pictures from Nates Baptism And The Baraja's after sports night!!! Enjoy!!
Love Sister Rose 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 12, 2011

This week Has been amazing! The weather has gotten up to 100 and the humidity is hateful but the work is going great.
I got my Third Companion Sister Lopez. She is Amazing and is such a great Teacher. She has been out Over a year and I have a lot to learn from her. She is amazing and brings the spirit so strongly to lessons. We have been able to find new investigators who are solid and really wanting to learn more. I love her. This new companion thing every six weeks isnt too bad when you get amazing people to work with!
So we are working with Nate this week on getting him ready for Baptism. He is so golden, everything we teach him he just soaks up like a sponge and loves it. He agrees and prays to know the truth for himself. He is the example of those people God has been preparing for the missionaries.
This Sunday was stake conference and it was amazing. Chea who was one of the investigators I was blessed to teach was asked to give a talk. It was incredible to hear him get up and bear his testimony of Christ. How he knows that the Book of Mormon is true and that We have a living prophet on the earth today. Its such a blessing to not have to worry about him and him being truly converted. His testimony lies in the truths of this church and not in the missionaries or in his friends or family. He has battled his whole life to find truth and he has it and he won't let go.
This week we have been trying to teach Niko more consistently. He is like having a child with severe ADDHD. We love him though so we keep teaching him. We were over at his house sitting waiting for him to get home from school, we looked slightly creepy, and my companion started freaking out, I look over my shoulder and there is this giant caterpillar looking up at me licking its face. Gross.
I love you all. Hope you Have a fantastic Week.
Love Sister Rose

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 2, 2011

Lindas Baptism
Ethyns Baptism
Gary and Linda Family
Kaufusi and Rose
Robyn and Josh Denham

Gold Hill Youth 

August 27, 2011

I cannot even express how awesome this past week has been. I love Central Point Oregon and Gold Hill! The Members here are fantastic and the work is moving along amazingly well.
This week we have been working like crazy trying to contact less active and part member families and really get the wards involved in fellowshipping these members so that they will feel loved and comfortable coming back to church. It is amazing what the presence of the spirit does to people. Giving them a small desire to want more in there lives gets them on the right road to being active members again.
This past week we have been working with Linda who got baptized last week. We go over and continue to do lessons and answer any questions. I love the excitment her and her family shows for going to be sealed in the temple. We just have to keep that going for a year!
Yesterday was the Most incredible day of my mission yet. I love Sundays because we get to go to church. Covering Two wards, we go to church for 6 hours and it is amazing! Yesterday we talked in the Gold Hill ward, Which is the Ward Linda and Chea were both Baptized in. Chea was given the Priesthood the Sunday after his Baptism and Yesterday was his first time to bless the Sacrament. It was an amazing experience to have him read the prayer, because he was nervous he went very slowly and said it perfectly. The spirit was so strong. It was a blessing for me to be able to see missionary work there, to see someone who I was blessed to be a part of his teaching from the beginning bless the Sacrament was amazing. After church we invited Chea to come to a lesson we were teaching to a new Investigator, Nate Who is 17 and searching for something more in his life. He is a member of A Christian Fellowship here and wants more. During the Lesson Chea bore his testimony many times and that is when the spirit was the strongest, and Nate was Visibly touched by his testimony. To be able to See Chea Learn, Grow, believe, Be Baptized and now Share this amazing Blessing in his life has been one of the sweetest things in my life. Words honestly cannot express the gratitude in my heart yesterday.
We are working with A part member Family, the Ramirez/Florez family and The Dad is the only non-member he is so amazing. He is so ready and willing to learn. In the process of teaching him we need to get the rest of the family back to church which is a battle some days but I know we can do it.
This work is amazing! I love what I am blessed to be able to do out here. The people here are open and receptive to the gospel.
Like Ethyn, He is the 12 year old we are teaching. He is gteting baptized this Saturday and he has been like a sponge since we started teaching him. Just absorbing everything. I love them so much. These people are incredible. The work is amazing, and the miracle we see everyday amaze me.
I love you all!!
Love Sister Rose

Monday, August 22, 2011

August 22, 2011

When you have a Tongan Companion, She may ask you if she can do your hair. You may tell her that your hair is straight and thin and it wont curl like hers. She may tell you to let her try anyways cause she is sure it will. You may give in with little hope it might. And then after she has used half a can of mouse, you're both laughing hysterically, and your hair is still straight as a stick you may end up washing your hair again, for the second time that day.
This week has been so good!! We are working really hard with the members to get them involved in missionary work and excited to see their wards grow and love what they are doing!
We had Linda's Baptism which was awesome and exciting to see that happen. When you come into an area and are told someone specific will never get baptized and see that person choose to enter into that Covenant with their Father in Heaven it is amazing. I love this work!! It is an amazing thing to be a part of.
L. Tom Perry Came to talk to us on Saturday and It was such an amazing experience. I love that man!! He is a great person, and to have an apostle of the Lord give us instruction was a great experience.
We are working hard trying to find new investigators because our teaching pool has disappeared.
We are looking forward To Ethyns baptism in about a week, He is 12 and is just amazing. He is like an adult and he knows this stuff. I love finding that amazing investigator we know has been prepared its an amazing feeling!!
I love you all sorry this is so short. I didn't figure my time to well.
Love Sister Rose

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15, 2011

So this email might be short, Considering we are a little short on time. This week was incredibly awesome!! I love this work It is amazing to work with the amazing People of Oregon. Mom said when you hear about Oregon you hear about the Ducks and the Rain. I have yet to see much rain, But The Oregon Ducks Logo is everywhere. I wont lie its becoming a pretty big part of my life. I love the ducks, but I am not shut down to the Beavers yet, It's the other college here and I need to be open to everything.
The work is still Progressing well. Linda's baptism is this thursday I am so excited for her!! She is getting more excited and ready everyday and cannot wait for thursday. She is so awesome.
We are working really hard right now to get to know the members and trying to invite them to invite their friends and learn with them how to best invite their friends to church. The best missionary tool we are seeing is It is so awesome. We get to go on there for an hour every week. I love it so much. I wish I had known about it more before I came out here. It is so much easier to share the gospel with videos that relate to people and brake down barriers than to try to get them to read this long book of scriptures at first.
We are working hard and seeing our hard work, faith , and prayers pay off little by little . The most important thing is having faith that God knows what is happening and is aware of everything. I love this work so much. I hope all of you are doing well.
Peace and Blessings
Love Sister Rose

Monday, August 8, 2011

August 8, 2011

This Week Flew By, and it was insane and Crazy and so Awesome I just cannot even explain. Mom email me this week and told me I should write about the people I am teaching more. So I can do that.
Let us Start With Chea. He is so awesome, We started teaching him 3 weeks ago. He had been coming to church with his Cousins for about a month and went on trek with the Ward. He asked the Bishop of the ward how he could become a member of the church. It was so amazing to be able to go and talk to someone who had so much faith and literally soaked up everything we had to say like a sponge. He is the most amazing kid! He is 18, and on our third lesson he prayed and asked for help to prepare him for a mission. I was blown away. I mean for someone with that much faith and power to pray for that was just incredible. He was baptized this last Saturday. I feel so blessed to be a part of his conversion story. He will tell anyone in his own words that God knows each and Everyone of us. That he knows he is exactly where he is supposed to be right now, He has an amazing story, he  has a really rough past and found the gospel and has had some amazing experiences. I just love seeing how the gospel can bless anyone's life!!
We are Also teaching a Less Active/Part Member Family. Linda Will be getting Baptized in a few weeks. Gary and His Daughter are both Members and I cannot express how much I love this family. I seriously feel like this family is why I am in Central point. I feel so connected to them and the lessons we teach with them go so smoothly. Linda is so amazing and she is going to be such a powerhouse for the church! Gary says something every week that just hits me to the heart and makes me know that I was called to this place at this time by an inspired mission president. I love these people so much!! 
Josh and Robyn and their three kids are another Family we are working with. Josh is planning on getting Baptized in September. He is so Solid. He got up and Bore his testimony Yesterday and expressed what a Rock the Gospel was in his life. It is so amazing to see someone come from a very dark past to sharing the gospel with others when they are not even members yet. We are waiting for a divorce papers to be finalized then for them to get married then the baptism will happen. Their two kids got baptized the week before I got here and it is awesome to be able to be teaching the whole family who is strong, but has diversity and shows you don't have to be perfect, you just have to have faith. 
We Work with a lot of Less active and Part member families because those are the people who are usually most open to receiving the Gospel. It is so amazing to be able to go and earn the trust of these amazing people and have them slowly turn their lives around and back towards Christ. 
I love it here, The work is progressing and we are working hard everyday to teach and find more people. I love you all!! I hope things are going well at home!! 
Love Sister Rose  

Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1, 2011

I am looking out the window, Totally dazing off at a Christian Preschool named Noah's Ark. I love Central Point its an amazing Area. The people Here Rock.
This week was a little nuts. My trainer went home and Me and Sister Kaufusi went to work. It was a transition but It was great. The work is progressing. I love seeing the light of Christ Change People. We have awesome investigators getting baptized this month and it is going to be awesome. One Set his date for 9-10-11. I am pretty excited for that.
So President Young is pretty Sweet. He is such an amazing, inspired man. It is so cool to get counsel from him and to listen and follow it and see the blessings. I love it so much.
We are trying really hard to work with the members to get missionary work going a little bit stronger in both wards. President Hinckley has promised us that Convert baptisms will double if the members get involved more. I feel bad for when I was at home and didn't do much missionary work.
This week there was a lot of change. It was a great opportunity to grow and really put my trust in the Lord.
We went down to Ashland Yesterday for a Blitz, We had a ton of members and misisonaries show up and it worked out really well. Ashland is super Hippie town, it reminded me a lot of park city and all of the people there. But its even more earthy is the best word to describe it. It was fun to be with members who enjoyed it as much as we do.
Sorry this is the lamest week I have written. I am a bit distracted. We have a lot of people progressing, and Some that have decided the gospel isnt for them. That has to be one of the harder parts of the work. We got a phone call this last week from an investigator who was reading praying and attending church who decided it wasn't for her. I can't even describe what it feels like to see someone you love and care about walk away from something you know will bless their families.
I love how much this gospel blesses families. And I love being able to teach that to these people. Oregon Rocks, It is beautiful here.
Peace and Blessings.
Sister Rose

Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25,2011

People in Oregon Love my Black Shiny Shoes, I get Compliments on them Everywhere I go. I should have worn them more at home, Maybe people would have liked my feet more.
So this week was nuts. We got word on Monday that we would need to be in Eugene on Wednesday all day for training. Its a 3 hour drive each way, So We would drive up, train and drive home. Anyone Who has ever been on a mission knows you may or may not feel useless by the end of a day like that. We weren't able to talk to anyone along the way about the gospel. But the training was awesome. We were instructed by President Young and the Assistants. It was pretty awesome. The things he taught that day will stay will me this whole mission.
Friday we were able to go to the temple for a Recent Converts Sealing. That is something I have never Witnessed before. We were able to do a session with them before, and it was what I needed. I love the temple. I love the calmness, peace, love, and joy I feel while in the temple. Its amazing. I found out that night that my new companion was going to be Sister Kaufusi. She was staying with us that night cause they came down for the temple, and it was to late to go back. She is awesome, and although she will go home after 6 weeks I am still very excited for her to follow up train me.
Sister losee leaves this week. It has been a crazy week trying to get things ready for her to go and me take over the area. I have been able to feel the peace and comfort knowing the Lord is aware of me and my situation and will guide me in what I need to do.
We are teaching some amazing People. I cannot grasp or describe the love I feel for our investigators. We were able to set baptismal dates with 2 more investigators and it is the best feeling in the world. Knowing that they are taking that step towards making a commitment to make promises to God is amazing.
The mission is Changing a ton! Almost every Companionship has been affected this transfer, it is so amazing to know we have a new president who is inspired to change everything. I am excited to see how all the change helps these area's grow and prosper. I love Central Point and Gold hill. I love the people and I want them to have this gospel bless there lives, and I know these changes will do that.
We had a district meeting today to say goodbye to the district that will not be after wednesday. I just cannot say enough good things. I am so blessed to serve with such amazing Missionaries. I never imagined I would be around Elders and Sisters that had the testimonies of Prophets, and who knew the gospel so strong! They Build and stregnthen my testimony daily. I love that this is a gospel of growing and learning everyday!
I would Love to hear how you all are doing! I miss you all a ton and Think about you all the time. Thank you for all the love and support and Prayers. They help and I can feel it all the way out here in this small tiny town!
Peace and Blessings
Sister Rose
1-Charlene and Randy's Sealing
 2- Me and Gailynn

3- Me, Sister Losee, Levacque, Hoffer, Edwards, Allderman, Milldenhall, Fiatoa. The District.
The Sleep Over 

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18, 2011

I cannot say enough how much I love this gospel and the Chance I have to share it with people that I love instantly. This last week was so cool. We worked so hard and were being really diligent and trying our best, yet everything seemed to be going wrong. Its a real downer when you work so hard all day and you go to write down what you have done in the day and nothing that is counted really looks good. So Sunday we were worn out, and I was quite honestly ready to quit, but I signed up for this and its going to last a lot longer so I had to revamp myself. I had been praying so hard that someone would show up. Someone who was ready to hear the gospel who would appreciate this amazing things that we are sharing. So here is when the miracles come in :) :) :) I literally yelled and screamed when We got the phone call(s).
First after church we were sitting there just thinking about how we could get the work to move forward in one of the wards we cover I was praying, and my companion had just finished. Then the phone rings. The bishop was calling to let us know that Chea, who had been going to church for the past month asked him how to become a member of the church. It was what we had worked for all week long!! Chea is amazing, His aunt came with us to the Lesson and she just kept saying This is not the same guy he was a year ago. Its amazing to see that God prepares his people, then as missionaries we just come in and show them the tools that will continue to enrich their lives. So we went and Taught him and he is planning to get Baptized the first week of August! I love that he is so prepared, he loves and respects this gospel!
So as we were driving up to Chea's, its about a half hour drive. We got another phone call that another guy in a different ward wanted to take the lessons. We have been secretly working on him through his sister for months, well the missionaries. And he is finally ready. I think the biggest thing I have to realize while I am here is that change takes time. And these people will change when the Lord knows and shows them how. We are literally just here to guide them. It is so amazing to see their love for the gospel grow as we show them how to develop that.
So anyways this place is amazing. I serve in Central point and Gold hill. Gold Hill is a very small town, houses every 1/2 mile or so. And Central point is just a small town. Its so beautiful here!!
The funniest thing that happened this week. So me and my companion got in a fight, first fight. It was awkward we fought, prayed went to the investigators door, who didn't answer and then got back in the car. It was silent because our music is getting copied right now... So awkward. Then this car turns the corner, don't worry all windows up except the windshield. He didn't have a windshield and he looked at us looking at him like "what is wrong with you" I am sorry sir I was a little taken back by the missing windshield. We both tried to hold our laughing in but it didn't work, and our problems were solved.
So today we went up to crater Lake, It was way fun. We just got word that we will be headed up to Eugene on Wednesday so that 3 hour drive should be interesting. Then I will be going on exchanges with the Merlin sisters that night so I wont be in Central point till Friday. Its kinda fun getting out of this area.
So in a week and a half I have the responsibility to take over this area. My companion goes home. It is a little stressful so all the prayers in the world would be welcome!!
I am going to attach some pictures now. I love you all!!
Peace and Blessings
Sister MacDaddy Rose
Me and Giovani Such a Cute Kid!
Crater Lake is in there
Rogue Ridge. Look at how Green it is!!
Me and Kadyn, Sassiest little 3 year old ever! They are the most amazing family though!!
The Elders at the Map, Those were my babysitters the last week in the MTC. Mom Elder Rose is in there.