Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1, 2011

I am looking out the window, Totally dazing off at a Christian Preschool named Noah's Ark. I love Central Point its an amazing Area. The people Here Rock.
This week was a little nuts. My trainer went home and Me and Sister Kaufusi went to work. It was a transition but It was great. The work is progressing. I love seeing the light of Christ Change People. We have awesome investigators getting baptized this month and it is going to be awesome. One Set his date for 9-10-11. I am pretty excited for that.
So President Young is pretty Sweet. He is such an amazing, inspired man. It is so cool to get counsel from him and to listen and follow it and see the blessings. I love it so much.
We are trying really hard to work with the members to get missionary work going a little bit stronger in both wards. President Hinckley has promised us that Convert baptisms will double if the members get involved more. I feel bad for when I was at home and didn't do much missionary work.
This week there was a lot of change. It was a great opportunity to grow and really put my trust in the Lord.
We went down to Ashland Yesterday for a Blitz, We had a ton of members and misisonaries show up and it worked out really well. Ashland is super Hippie town, it reminded me a lot of park city and all of the people there. But its even more earthy is the best word to describe it. It was fun to be with members who enjoyed it as much as we do.
Sorry this is the lamest week I have written. I am a bit distracted. We have a lot of people progressing, and Some that have decided the gospel isnt for them. That has to be one of the harder parts of the work. We got a phone call this last week from an investigator who was reading praying and attending church who decided it wasn't for her. I can't even describe what it feels like to see someone you love and care about walk away from something you know will bless their families.
I love how much this gospel blesses families. And I love being able to teach that to these people. Oregon Rocks, It is beautiful here.
Peace and Blessings.
Sister Rose

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