Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5, 2011

Well Seems like it was a real Busy week back home. I hope things are going well with everyone there.
I wont lie My mind is a complete blur as it has been these past couple of days. I am trying to wrap my head around all the new changes here in the area. We ended up not getting a third companion last minute so me and Sister Cluff are Taking over the Melrose and Roseburg wards together and Tackling the work Head on. It has been a crazy busy work but we cannot complain when the crazy busy work leads to baptisms!!
This week we have been working Really Closely With Maggie Who is preparing for Baptism. It is heartbreaking how hard the adversary works on these people to keep them away from the church. It is another testimony to us that the church is true or Satan would not try so hard to keep people out of it. We spend at least an Hour a day with Maggie to give her the stregnth she needs to keep going. She is amazing. I cannot wait to get her to her Baptism, Then she will have the gift of the Holy ghost and things will get a little easier.
We Had to say our goodbyes to the Newton Creek ward which included the three Kids we baptized last transfer. It was remarkable to go and see them since there baptism. The change is like night and day. They are in foster care and have had a lot of emotional challenged. There Grandparents say that since baptism none of them have had meltdowns, and they have seen the most amazing change in there attitudes and behaviors. The oldest girl told us she doesnt like to lie anymore cause it makes her feel bad. I was so touched by this miracle because getting them baptized was probably the most difficult thing I have done on my mission. But seeing the outcome made it so worth it. and gives me the drive to keep working hard against the power of the adversary.
It is amazing the miracles we are seeing. A boy named Rodrigo came to church on sunday and asked where he had to sign up to be a member of the Church. We are meeting with him this week and he seems really solid. This doesn't usually happen here so we are pretty excited. A friend at school told him that our church was a good church and that he should go. He came and stayed for all three hours. And he loved it. Its amazing What the spirit can do when people come to church, its getting them there that is the obstacle.
Its wierd it is the Christmas season already. President Young sent out and Invitation to every member of the Church in Oregon to Invite a non member friend into there home to hear a message of Jesus Christ from the missionaries. I Am challenging you all to do the same thing. I know you guys all know someone who is not a member of the church. Please invite them over to our home and get in contact with the missionaries and ask them to come do a lesson about Christ and His atonement  and the need for the restoration. The Spirit that a missionary brings is undeniable and it would be a blessing to have in our home. I cannot wait to hear about who you guys invite over and how it turns out.
I love you All. I dont know what pictures didnt attatch last week, But I will attatch some awesome ones from booneyville this week.
Peace and Blessings
Love Sister Rose

1 comment:

  1. Aren't sister missionaries the very BEST? You Rock Sister Rose :D
