Monday, August 22, 2011

August 22, 2011

When you have a Tongan Companion, She may ask you if she can do your hair. You may tell her that your hair is straight and thin and it wont curl like hers. She may tell you to let her try anyways cause she is sure it will. You may give in with little hope it might. And then after she has used half a can of mouse, you're both laughing hysterically, and your hair is still straight as a stick you may end up washing your hair again, for the second time that day.
This week has been so good!! We are working really hard with the members to get them involved in missionary work and excited to see their wards grow and love what they are doing!
We had Linda's Baptism which was awesome and exciting to see that happen. When you come into an area and are told someone specific will never get baptized and see that person choose to enter into that Covenant with their Father in Heaven it is amazing. I love this work!! It is an amazing thing to be a part of.
L. Tom Perry Came to talk to us on Saturday and It was such an amazing experience. I love that man!! He is a great person, and to have an apostle of the Lord give us instruction was a great experience.
We are working hard trying to find new investigators because our teaching pool has disappeared.
We are looking forward To Ethyns baptism in about a week, He is 12 and is just amazing. He is like an adult and he knows this stuff. I love finding that amazing investigator we know has been prepared its an amazing feeling!!
I love you all sorry this is so short. I didn't figure my time to well.
Love Sister Rose

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15, 2011

So this email might be short, Considering we are a little short on time. This week was incredibly awesome!! I love this work It is amazing to work with the amazing People of Oregon. Mom said when you hear about Oregon you hear about the Ducks and the Rain. I have yet to see much rain, But The Oregon Ducks Logo is everywhere. I wont lie its becoming a pretty big part of my life. I love the ducks, but I am not shut down to the Beavers yet, It's the other college here and I need to be open to everything.
The work is still Progressing well. Linda's baptism is this thursday I am so excited for her!! She is getting more excited and ready everyday and cannot wait for thursday. She is so awesome.
We are working really hard right now to get to know the members and trying to invite them to invite their friends and learn with them how to best invite their friends to church. The best missionary tool we are seeing is It is so awesome. We get to go on there for an hour every week. I love it so much. I wish I had known about it more before I came out here. It is so much easier to share the gospel with videos that relate to people and brake down barriers than to try to get them to read this long book of scriptures at first.
We are working hard and seeing our hard work, faith , and prayers pay off little by little . The most important thing is having faith that God knows what is happening and is aware of everything. I love this work so much. I hope all of you are doing well.
Peace and Blessings
Love Sister Rose

Monday, August 8, 2011

August 8, 2011

This Week Flew By, and it was insane and Crazy and so Awesome I just cannot even explain. Mom email me this week and told me I should write about the people I am teaching more. So I can do that.
Let us Start With Chea. He is so awesome, We started teaching him 3 weeks ago. He had been coming to church with his Cousins for about a month and went on trek with the Ward. He asked the Bishop of the ward how he could become a member of the church. It was so amazing to be able to go and talk to someone who had so much faith and literally soaked up everything we had to say like a sponge. He is the most amazing kid! He is 18, and on our third lesson he prayed and asked for help to prepare him for a mission. I was blown away. I mean for someone with that much faith and power to pray for that was just incredible. He was baptized this last Saturday. I feel so blessed to be a part of his conversion story. He will tell anyone in his own words that God knows each and Everyone of us. That he knows he is exactly where he is supposed to be right now, He has an amazing story, he  has a really rough past and found the gospel and has had some amazing experiences. I just love seeing how the gospel can bless anyone's life!!
We are Also teaching a Less Active/Part Member Family. Linda Will be getting Baptized in a few weeks. Gary and His Daughter are both Members and I cannot express how much I love this family. I seriously feel like this family is why I am in Central point. I feel so connected to them and the lessons we teach with them go so smoothly. Linda is so amazing and she is going to be such a powerhouse for the church! Gary says something every week that just hits me to the heart and makes me know that I was called to this place at this time by an inspired mission president. I love these people so much!! 
Josh and Robyn and their three kids are another Family we are working with. Josh is planning on getting Baptized in September. He is so Solid. He got up and Bore his testimony Yesterday and expressed what a Rock the Gospel was in his life. It is so amazing to see someone come from a very dark past to sharing the gospel with others when they are not even members yet. We are waiting for a divorce papers to be finalized then for them to get married then the baptism will happen. Their two kids got baptized the week before I got here and it is awesome to be able to be teaching the whole family who is strong, but has diversity and shows you don't have to be perfect, you just have to have faith. 
We Work with a lot of Less active and Part member families because those are the people who are usually most open to receiving the Gospel. It is so amazing to be able to go and earn the trust of these amazing people and have them slowly turn their lives around and back towards Christ. 
I love it here, The work is progressing and we are working hard everyday to teach and find more people. I love you all!! I hope things are going well at home!! 
Love Sister Rose  

Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1, 2011

I am looking out the window, Totally dazing off at a Christian Preschool named Noah's Ark. I love Central Point its an amazing Area. The people Here Rock.
This week was a little nuts. My trainer went home and Me and Sister Kaufusi went to work. It was a transition but It was great. The work is progressing. I love seeing the light of Christ Change People. We have awesome investigators getting baptized this month and it is going to be awesome. One Set his date for 9-10-11. I am pretty excited for that.
So President Young is pretty Sweet. He is such an amazing, inspired man. It is so cool to get counsel from him and to listen and follow it and see the blessings. I love it so much.
We are trying really hard to work with the members to get missionary work going a little bit stronger in both wards. President Hinckley has promised us that Convert baptisms will double if the members get involved more. I feel bad for when I was at home and didn't do much missionary work.
This week there was a lot of change. It was a great opportunity to grow and really put my trust in the Lord.
We went down to Ashland Yesterday for a Blitz, We had a ton of members and misisonaries show up and it worked out really well. Ashland is super Hippie town, it reminded me a lot of park city and all of the people there. But its even more earthy is the best word to describe it. It was fun to be with members who enjoyed it as much as we do.
Sorry this is the lamest week I have written. I am a bit distracted. We have a lot of people progressing, and Some that have decided the gospel isnt for them. That has to be one of the harder parts of the work. We got a phone call this last week from an investigator who was reading praying and attending church who decided it wasn't for her. I can't even describe what it feels like to see someone you love and care about walk away from something you know will bless their families.
I love how much this gospel blesses families. And I love being able to teach that to these people. Oregon Rocks, It is beautiful here.
Peace and Blessings.
Sister Rose