Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Week 1

So the MTC is insane, and I love it. This is the best choice I have ever made. I have made a choice that will impact the rest of my life and I love it. There are things that I learn everyday that I never knew. I wish so bad that I could just study and never get tired, but it is not possible, by 10:30 every night I just want to sleep and When that alarm goes off in the morning I feel like I just fell asleep. I love having such an amazing work set before me to do.,
Don't worry I am still the same me, Although I am learning so much about the gospel I am still having my daily jokes. I convinced the Australian Elder at Dinner the third night here I had no Idea who Joseph Smith was. That was entertaining. He started teaching me about the restoration, I just kept telling him everything in class was going right over my head. In his awesome accent he kept saying "you have got to be kidding me." He got me back later when we had to Teach him the discussions to practice and he acted like a midget, " With tiny fingers that cant turn the pages of the bible" Seriously as serious as this place is we have so much fun.
I love my district so much, it is a big district. There are 2 sister companionship's and 4 Elder companionship's. 3 of the sisters and 2 elders are going to be serving in Salt Lake City South, their mission home is in Sandy, I am so excited for them!! I want you guys to take them out to dinner, they are the most amazing people!! I just love them.
So here in the MTC the teachers will role play as some of the investigators they taught on the mission. So Brother dickey takes of his name tag and is Fred, we teach Fred and learn that way, through role play how to teach. Sis Stander, Bless her Heart our second night here was a little tired and does not get sarcasm. Were all sitting in class and Brother Dickey Said he would be here to teach in the morning and I said, So Fred will be here to? Jokingly and Sis stander was like, wait you guys come together, she was so confused, then Elder white was like Ya I think they Carpool, Sis Stander at that point thought that Fred wasn't showing up at all... Poor sister she is now starting to get our sarcasm a week later. But she is still convinced by the cleaning lady there are knife fights at the MTC...
Its been fun to learn the different languages here. I have learned Finish, Albanian, Spanish, and Hungarian. I mean ya I only have learned Hello, but my favorite is recognizing missionaries from other countries and saying Hello in a totally different language and they look at my name tag and see Sister and get all sorts of Confused. It gets awkward when they start talking to you though and you only know English.
I love you all so so so much. The church is true.
My favorite things I have learned this week
Obedience brings blessings, exact obedience brings miracles- Elder Richard G Scotts Wife
A Mans Character can be measured by his last words, go Read The Last verse in 2 Nephi. I can't quote it exactly but I think it's "The Lord commanded and I must obey"
Love Sister Rose

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